
The northeastern-most continent on Fey. Called Coirland by the Dinn, this continent is split into six nations, but the Auvir culture is close to hegemonic. Even the Ostellian to the east have become heavily influenced by them.   MAJOR ETHNIC GROUPS IN KJULUND   Auvir:   Ostellian:   Yztac: One of the three original peoples of Kjulund.   Montavei: One of the three original peoples of Kjulund.   Qorinana: One of the three original peoples of Kjulund.   Badh: A coastal people, descendants of the survivors of the Badhishi Massacre.   Levgoin: A people chiefly found on the Isle of Lev, west of Kjulund.   Dinn: The Dinn immigrated to Kjulund during the Free Age and became a major naval power in the Sadul Sea until the mid-Democratic Age, when they were subjugated by Alftia in concert with Unstad.


Age of Flame: No official history exists of the time before the Auvir came to Kjulund. It is widely believed that the original peoples of the continent functioned as roving bands of hunter-gatherers that engaged in constant warfare. Oral histories passed down by the Yztac and the Montavei contradict this, with the Yztac mostly agreeing that these "roving bands" were in fact organized nomadic nations. The Montavei mostly suggest that pre-Auvir societies were stationary, similar to later nations, but a few suggest that enormous, almost mythical societies existed before the Auvir, who fell to infighting before or during the invasion.   Free Age: The term "Free Age" chiefly refers to the Auvir colonists, who traditionally came to Kjulund to free themselves of the tyranny of the Roblangese crown. It was an age of independent fiefdoms and baronies. It also saw the development of Vigosi piracy into the Ostellian Empire.   Fall of Roblangon: The Fall of Roblangon is typically noted as the defining event that separated the Free Age from the Democratic Age, though in truth democratic republics would not emerge for several decades following. Following a series of brutally repressed slave revolts over the course of about a century, there came a time when nearly all of Roblangon's slaves disappeared overnight. The remaining Otabiura people were insufficient to the needs of landowners, many of whom responded by seizing and enslaving other native Roblangons. The royalty tried to suppress these acts, but could not stand up to the combined might of the surviving landowners. The island, which had resisted all foreign aggression for centuries, fell to the Ostellian Empire in less than five years. To this day, no one knows what happened to the many thousand Otabiura who disappeared.   Democratic Age: The Democratic Age came in response to hundreds of peasant revolts and even rebellions from knights and lesser lords, who lost their lives in the thousands or even millions resisting expansion from the Ostellian Empire from the east. The Empire was facing its own difficulties from its vassals along the eastern coast of Kjulund, as well as the Isle of Roblangon and in eastern Sutrisia, which would ultimately lead to the dissolution of the empire. Most of the modern nations of Kjulund emerged in this era, with Alftia and Vigos only arguably having existed prior.   Electric Age: The Electric Age is marked both by the independence of Raugnur as well as the completion of the Trans-Kjulund Power Line, which connected power sources across national lines from Unstad to Irgesia. The Power Line has long since fallen, but electricity still powers most of the continent, and many still look to the beginning of the Electric Age as a source of inspiration and hope.
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