Ring of Banraz

One of the Six Rings of Manan.   Treasure: Selvinwar, colloquially called Steam. Though not the greatest power-source in the known galaxy, Steam is renowned for its efficiency, and is the fuel of choice for all starcraft that can afford it. However, the mysterious gas that the extinct natives called Selvinwar is also known to heighten the senses of those who imbibe it during the proper ceremonies, granting them physical prowess, quick wits, and supposedly opening their minds to plains beyond mortal conception.   Clan: Blood Gwydias. Neither the youngest nor oldest of the great families, the Gwydias are often respected by others for their honor, mercy, and fair-mindedness. Others dismiss them as cold, prideful, and humorless. Sithan Gwydias was famously chosen to judge a dispute between four other Primarchs seven-hundred years ago, and his decision resulted in golden ages for two of those Rings, and decades of turmoil for the other two. Accounts vary on the nature of the dispute, who was favored and who was spurned, and even who enjoyed the fortune and misfortune that followed.   Current Primarch: Brigantes Gwydias.


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