Ring of Mellnir

One of the Six Rings of Manan.   Treasure: Luchair, colloquially called Passion Food, Raw, and Joy. Luchair is perhaps the most precious of the six treasures due to its delicacy. It is a fruit that grows only on Mellnir's central planet of the same name, and it can be extremely difficult to transport successfully. Through genetic engineering, the seed of the Luchair can yield various subspecies of fruit, each one creating a passionate feeling in whoever eats it. Those wealthy enough to enjoy these fruits can feel ecstasies they might otherwise never know, contentment denied to all other mortals, and even stranger, subtler emotions that no living tongue can name. None of these highly sought-after breeds produce seeds, however, which is how the Chief Magisters of Mellnir maintain control over the crop. Only the aptly-named Terror Fruit bears any seeds, and those seeds can only bear other Terror Fruit without the manipulation of Mellnir's own Gene Gardners.   Clan: Blood Nantosian. The Nantosian emerged as the victors of a centuries-long civil war that spread all over the Ring of Mellnir, ending only three-hundred years ago. Seven great families fell to extinction during this war, and three of them sat on the Throne of Mellnir before their destruction, including the ancient and reviled Blood Morricath, who claimed to hold the secrets of Ruunspeaking. Despite their bloody origins, Blood Nantosian seems more eager to foster peace and cooperation amongst the Six Rings than any other ruling family.   Current Primarch: Kymedri Nantosian
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