Heichi Shizugai in Sixgun Samurai | World Anvil
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Heichi Shizugai

The spirit of the former Boar Clan Champion, currently possessing the body of Kei the woodcutter. He has struck and uneasy alliance with Tadaka. In exchange for the help of his former clan-mates, Tadaka will redeem them and send them to join Meido's armies. Akemi, Kei's wife is not happy about this arrangement and wants her husband's body returned.
  In the year 500 Shizugai witnessed Matsu Dainoku murder Mirumoto Chorude in an illegal duel. As the only other witness to the crime died mysteriously, the matter had to be solved with a duel. Shizugai was a child, so his father, Heichi Batsuda, championed him. Dainoku killed Batsuda and Shizugai swore revenge.
  In 501, after Shizugai refused to pay the Boar Clan's taxes in protest, Emerald Champion Doji Shioden ordered the Imperial Legions to eradicate the Boar. Mercy was to be shown on the condition that Shizugai commit seppuku, but when the Legions arrived, they found everyone within Shiro Heichi gone. Unknown to most, they had been absorbed into the Shakoki Dogu after being sacrificed to the Anvil of Despair by Agasha Ryuden.


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