Kakita Izumi Character in Sixgun Samurai | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Kakita Izumi

A former Kakita Duelist. Current friend of Doji Sachiko.   He is a small man with a round face and spectacles. While he trained as a duelist, Izumi is an architect by trade, and he is absolutely thrilled to be building a town from scratch. There will be straight lines and right angles everywhere! He's also an engineer so he's deep into all the town planning. He was originally part of the entourage of Daidoji Sumiko, The Governor but has struck up a friendship with Doji Sachiko as he was building her second tea house in a year.   He has an eye for detail, a steady hand, and a small stature. He has nerve damage on his left arm and mental trauma from the Battle of Desolation Ridge.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Quite old and rather small, but with strong calloused hands from a lifetime of swordsmanship and carpentry.

Apparel & Accessories

Kimono, gold-rimmed spectacles.

Specialized Equipment

Daisho, old rifle, pony, drafting tools, carpentry tools.

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

Izumi was at the Battle of Desolation Ridge and saw the horrors that unfolded there. He has never forgotten them and avoids physical conflict now, whenever he can.
Year of Birth
1803 61 Years old
White topknot
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
130 lbs


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