Sixgun samurai The Ruins of Prosperity
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The Ruins of Prosperity

Discovery, Exploration


A band of samurai from Haven explore a ruined mining town

A band of samurai from Haven explore a ruined mining town. The explorers are Akodo Kosei, Doji Sachiko, Agasha Arikimede, and Toku Kazehime. They are accompanied by Miyoko the ferryman, apprentice sky-ship pilot.   They encounter Shiba Ryota, AKA Fox Eyes deep beneath the abandoned mines, seemingly resurrected. He nearly kills them all, but Arikimede destroys "Apathy" and the spirit of the Mountain, Arch, sacrifices himself to save them at Tadaka's behest. Sachiko, Kosei, and Kazehime escape with the help of a blind nezumi, while Tadaka and Arikimede are pulled into Meido.   The abandoned village is ritually cleansed and burned to the ground.

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Sixgun Samurai