Sixgun samurai Sixgun Samurai Timeline
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Sixgun Samurai

Starting in 1803 until the current day.

Westward Expansion

1803 1860

Rokugani culture expands into the wild regions beyond its Western Borders. Nearly 7 million Rokugani move westward during this time, mostly of the heimin and burakumin classes.

  • 1803


    The Rikuto Expansion
    Era beginning/end

    Emperor Rikuto declares that the Rokugani people should expand beyond their traditional borders

  • 1804


    Steam Train Invented
    Technological achievement

    Kaiu Takuya invents the steam train

  • 1812


    First Commercial Steam Train
    Technological achievement

    The Steel Zaibatsu creates the first successful steam train

  • 1836


    Invention of the Sixgun
    Technological achievement

    Kaiu Koto invents a six-shot revolver that becomes immensely popular

  • 1838


    The Jade Rush Begins
    Discovery, Exploration

    Deposits of Jade are found out West

  • 1854

    27 Dog

    Destruction of Prosperity
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The mining town of Prosperity is destroyed under mysterious circumstances. Most of the citizens are killed. Whether the destruction was caused by the actions of Prosperity's citizens or Ujik-Hai retribution is unclear.

  • 1855


    The Jade Rush Ends
    Discovery, Exploration

    Interest in the Jade Rush peters out

  • 1856

    25 Serpent

    Zakyo Toshi Massacre
    Military action

    Chairo Jun’s abolitionists kill 5 plantation owners near Zakyo Toshi

  • 1859

    16 Dog

    Haku's Ferry
    Military action

    Chairo Jun leads a raid on Haku’s Ferry

  • 1859

    2 Rat

    Chairo Jun is Executed
    Life, Death

    Chairo Jun, the famous abolitionist, is hanged for treason

  • 1860

    6 Boar

    Coronation of Emperor Rinkan
    Political event

    Emperor Rinkan assumes the throne, instead of his brother Daibesu

  • 1860

    20 Rat

    Rise of the Confederacy
    Political event

    The Crab, Mantis, and Scorpion secede from the Empire

The Civil War

1861 and beyond

  • 1861


    War Breaks Out
    Military action

    The Civil War begins

  • 1861


    Rotary Gun Invented
    Scientific achievement

    Moto Gantulga invents the rotary gun, sometimes known as the "Gantul-Gun".

  • 1862

    17 Rooster

    The Calamity
    Disaster / Destruction

    A huge earthquake shakes Rokugan and warps reality itself.

  • 1862

    17 Rooster

    Battle of Desolation Ridge
    Military action

    The bloodiest day in Rokugan's history

  • 1863

    1 Goat

    3 Goat

    Battle of Tsubasa Toride
    Military action

    The largest battle in Rokugan’s history

  • 1863

    1 Ox

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Political event

    Emperor Rinkan frees the burakumin class

  • 1864

    25 Dragon

    The Campaign Begins

    The Sixgun Samurai campaign begins.

  • 1864

    28 Dragon

    Jihi vs. Konda
    Life, Death

    Kakita Jihi kills Bayushi Konda in a duel

  • 1864

    7 Serpent

    Train Station Brawl
    Military action

    A huge brawl breaks out in Heiwa Toshi over a family of fleeing Burakumin

  • 1864

    17 Serpent

    Masked Cultists Attack
    Life, Crime

    A group of masked cultists attack Doji Sachiko at her teahouse

  • 1864

    18 Serpent

    Murder at the Jubei Plantation
    Life, Death

    Kakita Jihi raids a Confederate plantation

  • 1864

    21 Serpent

    Trial of Kakita Jihi
    Political event

    Kakita Jihi is tried for the murder of a plantation owner

  • 1864

    21 Serpent

    Red Street Massacre
    Military action

    Matsu Yuudaiko storms the Scorpion Embassy at Heiwa Toshi

  • 1864

    22 Horse

    Crashing Day

    Doji Mizuki falls from the sky

  • 1864

    23 Horse

    10 Goat

    The Great Dust Storm
    Disaster / Destruction

    Dust darkens the West

  • 1864

    10 Goat

    The Second Calamity
    Disaster / Destruction

    Hundreds of lives are sacrificed to open a rift in reality

  • 1864

    12 Goat

    13 Rooster

    The Exodus
    Population Migration / Travel

    The people of Heiwa Toshi wander the desert led by Daidoji Sumiko, The Governor

  • 1864

    12 Goat

    The Battle of Heiwa Toshi
    Military action

    Scorpion forces destroy the City of Peace

  • 1864

    13 Rooster

    Town of Haven Founded

    The Town of Haven is founded by Governor Daidoji Sumiko

  • 1864

    1 Dog

    Trade With Ujik-Hai Established
    Diplomatic action

    Trade is Established with Chief Batbayar's tribe.

  • 1864

    25 Dog

    27 Dog

    The Ruins of Prosperity
    Discovery, Exploration

    A band of samurai from Haven explore a ruined mining town

  • 1864

    1 Boar

    Kazehime Vs. Saki

    Toku Kazehime duels Daidoji Saki

  • 1864

    9 Boar

    Peace Offering to the Nezumi
    Diplomatic action

    Kazehime and Tadaka make an offering to Chik-Chak's tribe.

  • 1864

    10 Boar

    11 Boar

    Triumph of the Red Company

    Red Company rescues a missing woodcutter and receive accolades

  • 1864

    14 Boar

    The Disappearance
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Agasha Arikimede, Doji Sachiko, Utaku Akasha, and Tadaka the Banisher disappear during an expedition to Foundation Cave.

  • 1864

    11 Rat

    The Great Beast Hunt

    A team of samurai set out from Haven to hunt the great beasts of the forest, and take revenge for the destruction of the logging camp.

  • 1864

    12 Rat

    Attempted Assassination of Daidoji Sumiko
    Life, Crime

    An unknown assassin attempted to kill Daidoji Sumiko with a bomb planted either on her airship, the Horizon, or in her mansion. The airship was destroyed and several members of her household were killed, including Asahin Rin her house Shugenja. She survived the blast but was in critical condition with brain damage and severe burns.

  • 1864

    16 Rat

    Brain Surgery
    Scientific achievement

    A joint effort between Dr. Daisuke, Isawa Mamoru, Agasha Arikimede, Toku Kazehime, Tadaka, and Doji Sachiko to attempt to open the skull of Daidoji Sumiko in order to save her life through medical and magical means. It was successful.

  • 1864

    19 Rat

    Dr. Daisuke Killed by Maho-Tsukai
    Life, Death

    Dr. Daisuke is killed by an unknown maho-tsukai.

  • 1864

    22 Rat

    Doji Akihito Assassinated
    Life, Death

    Doji Akihito is killed by Seven Sword Sazae at a public event after collapsing due to Agasha Arikimede using holy magic on him.

  • 1864

    24 Rat

    Rice Silo Poisoned
    Life, Crime

    An enemy agent poisons the rice silo in Haven.

  • 1864

    27 Rat

    Wiitigo Banished and Haven Becomes Home
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The heroes delve into the depths of the Mt. Foundation. With the mountain's help they are able to banish the First Gaki, an ancient hunger spirit known as the Wiitigo in the ancient Gaijin tongue of the first people to live in the area.   As a reward for banishing the evil spirit, the Forest King agreed to make Haven the new home of the wayward samurai and villagers.

  • 1864

    13 Ox

    The Scorpion Mastermind is Exposed
    Discovery, Scientific

    Toku Kazehime, disguised as the monk Hideko, discovers the identity of the Scorpion mastermind! It was Brother Yoshi. She confronts him but is unable to defeat him alone and is nearly killed. Brother Yoshi slays his fellow monks, Brother Jin and Brother Aki to cover up his secret.

  • 1864

    14 Ox

    Brother Yoshi is Captured
    Life, Crime

    Early in the morning, after causing much chaos and several deaths, Brother Yoshi is captured while attempting to assassinate Daidoji Sumiko in her new estate. Tadaka agrees to grant his former friend the right to seppuku.

  • 1865

    1 Hare

    The Solstice Ritual

    Doji Sachiko and Utaku Akasha will attempt a ritual to heal Akodo Tamiko.

  • 1865

    15 Dragon

    Emperor Rinkan Assassinated
    Life, Death

    Emperor Rinkan of the Union is assassinated by a Confederate sympathizer while at a noh performance.

  • 1865

    15 Goat

    Campaign Resumes

  • 1865

    1 Monkey 1200:00

    Battle of the Bridge
    Military: Battle

    Shiba "Fox Eyes" Ryota and the Sons of Prosperity attack Haven and burn their farmland and destroy their watchtower.

    The Rattlers
  • 1865

    2 Monkey

    Battle of the Forest
    Military: Battle

    The people of Haven hunt Daidoji Genjiro and the remaining Sons of Prosperity and their allies from the town, and Akodo Yamagata.

  • 1865

    25 Dog

    The Rattler Will Break Free

    Bound for 1 year by Tadaka the banisher, the Rattler trapped by the gates of Meido will break free.