
Desteros has always been a large empire and has only continuously grown through to -1000YM. It was one of the first countries to become strongly independent and without consistent internal conflict. Where local neighbours would be either smaller tribes posing no threat or other sizeable nations who where still in civil wars over who should be the ruling family. The Heart's where able to successfully establish a coherent empire prior to any other nation on Skålnir.
Other nations looked toward Desteros and growing envious and jealous of their peace, they started to migrate to within their lands. Overtime entire Kingdoms would fall to the aroma of unity and in a domino effect, as one nation quickly grew in size, every other nation only grew smaller. With the use of political marriages and diplomatic ties, Desteros was able to grow to hold over half the landmass of Skålnir but -1000YM.
In present day, these such diplomatic tactics have failed to allow desteros to grow into the south, and ultimately tensions grew between Ixilmir and themselves. With the falling star landing within their territory, Desteros has launched a full-scale attack into Ixilmir confident in their war efforts being backed by the heavens.
Desteros is currently run by the The Frost Royals.