
From small beginnings

Ixilmir was once a small island nation without much weight in the politics of the rest of Skålmir, even if these so-called politics was poison and assassins, Ixilmir was left alone on the eastern Folimian island. King Valors Mother, Queen Consula, was adamant about her refusal to enter world politics during these times of turmoil, and was against Valor's grand plans. The Queen met a young death, allowing Valor to become King at the age of 26 where he then, in only 10 years, enacted his plan to utilise the raging distrust in the world to diplomatically weaken the nearby nations. The first 7 years of his plan was setting up these connections, neighbouring lands at war in each others head before a single drop of blood had been spilt. And with Ixilmir's minor presence, Valor was able to be underestimated and in the last 3 years of his crusade tumbled the dominos he had placed. Insurgencies, coups and revolutions with the assistance of the Ixilmirian Military laid waste the southern lands of Skålmir and ultimately with a promise of final unity and at last peace, Valor grew his great Ixilmir into the Kingdom it is now to this day.


Ixilmir is a culmination of scattered regions united together under King Valor's empire from the past 10 years. Although the leadership is still in some turmoil due to the recent changing of leadership and the death of various royalty the Kingdom's rebels have turned from rebelling to protecting. In fear of yet another invasion even the King's local rivals have sided with his war.
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