Eskol - The Grave of Giants

Part of the  Eskol Range , Eskol houses a treacherous mountain range hiding away an ancient tome of magic.


Treacherous blue and white mountains flaunting high sharp peaks and long steep slopes leave no man to traverse safely. Where three arms of the mountain range meet, there is a large crater that at some very long ago must have disseminated a powerful enough wave of force that the mountains closest to his crater seem to lean away in fear.
  Within the 100's kilometres of land this crater covers, a gigantic crystalised sphere of swirling opaque blues, whites and greens hovers kilometres above the ground. The crystal has remained a mystery to the world since stories of it circulated through villages and towns.


Life tends to stray from Eskol, there are few animal species and any species of plantlife seems to have stagnated in growth. Although the plants around still show their bright greens and warm colours, researchers learnt that these plants were in a sought of stasis of life. Appearing alive but not inhabiting any elements of life.
  There is no wind near Eskol, the air is still and thin, yet the crystal does emit waves of tremours through the ground and through anything around it for kilometres.

Localized Phenomena

Seemingly in an unpredictable cycle, the crystal lets lose excessively strong magical discharges in the appearance of lightning. Pockets of air around the crystal feel like they become to hum and energize until from that pocket extends a tentacle of lightning the size of castles and cities that sends its full force into the crystal. The largest of these strikes seem to move the crystal slightly.
  Also due to the sheer size of the crystal, everything around it seems lighter, almost drawn into it. The gravity of these lands plays all sorts of tricks on the mind. Due to the lighter gravity, various inventions and devices have been crafted by locals to help easily traverse the rough landscape of the mountains utilising this lighter body.


Prolonged studies on Eskol have been proven to be near impossible, with the lack of easy transport routes, hard-to-find food, dangerous and sickening pulses of the crystal and simple body discomfort from long periods in a different gravity all contributing to the challenges. 
  The first recorded expeditions have claimed to of found multiple very large humanoid skeletons, rising 20 all the way up to 50ft. Although most of these artifacts have been lost to history, the common folk belief is that Eskol used to be a land of Giants, the Crystal being some sort of conduit or foci used by the Giants to harness the magic they were forbidden from using. This theory supports the historical idea that the Giants were among the first to rule the lands of Skålnir before they were banished and disappeared.
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