Gate of the North - North Gate

The Gate Of The North

Brief Overview

The Gate of the North is a constellation mostly used to help traversal and act as a warning sign for those travelling within the World Gate.


The constellation consists of 8 stars, 4 of them form an outer square box that houses another 4 also in a square formation. The outer 'box' doesn't move, however, the inner 4 stars will either grow or shrink their box (never surpassing the outer box). The closer and larger the inner box is to the outer box the more the 'gate' is open, and vice versa, if the inner box is close together and small then the 'gate' is more closed.
When the North Gate is open then winds from the northern icecaps flow into the The Gate of Skålnir - The World Gate bringing with it treacherous winds, snow storms and just in general snow to an otherwise desolate desert. When the gate is closed, the winds of the World Gate are calm if any.