The Gate of Skålnir - The World Gate

The World Gate

The World Gate is one of the biggest mysteries of Skålnir, a barren wasteland of coarse sand that stretches between The Vastelian Empire, The The Mordamatorian Theocracy and The Kingdom of Earania. Although to most of the lands, a desert would be the barren icelands of the north, the World Gate is often labelled similarly.
  The desert is full of anomalies and has been a disruption to cultivating science for so long, that when academics of the lands propose new theories of the laws of the world, The World Gate is never mentioned. In a rising trend for scholars and their formalised documented theories, a small forword is often written explaining that they have ignored all phenomena of The World Gate.
  Many theories have been crafted around the World Gate's unusual existence, some say that the entire desert is a portal to the Feywilds and that only the Fey are able to comprehend how to take the final step into their lands. Additionally, some believe due to the night sky's brightness and the stars' constellations, the desert is closer to the astral realm of the Gods and is the link for our souls to the afterlife. What is certain is that no one truly knows. 
  The World Gates desert sands are also a major geographical anomaly, although the equator does go directly over the desert, the Gate is the only location to have recorded above 25 degrees (celsius) in the entirety of Skålnir with the hottest temperature being recorded at 50 degrees. Because of this uncomfortable heat, there are very very few residents who reside here. Occasionally eerily strong winds will blow through, separate from the winds that come from the Gate of the North, these winds are fierce and occasionally deadly. They have created major sandstorms that wreak havoc on the sandstone formations of the lands. Many of these natural sandstorm formations are great obelisks that tower into the sky, however overtime due to these winds, they have started to erode and collapse.