King Valor Riler

King Valor James Riler

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The young ruler of Ixilmir rose to the throne when his mother Consula Riler tragically died a young and swift death. Valor successfully managed to take over the southern lands of Skålnir in the first 10 years of his rulership. He had a keen mind in politics and was an expert in combat from a disadvantage due to his country's small lands and smaller military. After his unification of the Southlands he continued to wage a war of solidarity against the north.
He hails from the lands of Ixilmir, the country encompassing the entire eastern Folimian Island. His Father, King Courage, died when Valor was in the womb. He was a victim of a pitiful assassination from a local blacksmith who was not fond of his critiques. His mother raised him his entire life and she bared no other children


Further History


Current Location
Ruled Locations

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