Royal Cleansing

The current Nations of Skålnir are a result of the trauma the continent went through on the Dawn of the Battle at Balamaz 998 years prior to the present Sun. The battle that ended the Royal Cleansing where the Tyrancail Queen Leona was slain at the site of peace talks between leaders and upcoming leaders of the 5 collapsing nations. The war was a result of growing tensions between all the countries and was ultimately used as an excuse for various smaller conflicts to flourish, such as resource control in Eastern Unsvi, land control in central Unsvi, the annihilation of the Aether, distaste for the power the royals had in Telmia and the civil uprising of Folimia.   The war was long and took many decades to conclude, ultimately accumulating into chaos internally in all the nations. The Royal Cleansing was more just a state of disunification between all the countries, and as the war went on, the disconnect between the old royal parties and the common people grew and grew until towards the end of the wartime period new leaders started to rise from the ashes of the wars. One such leader was Manus Everbright from Olichi, a town in the old Sziks Empire(now the capital of Cherin) who, fueled with his own disaster for the current leader of the Sziks, Queen Leona, rallied up the other collapsed countries to one goal in the hopes that achieving this goal would put a conclusion on all the conflicts around Skålnir. He was right.   Following this day each nation reacted drastically to form the world as we currently know it.   Queen Leona's Sziks Empire was sent into a frenzy of disintegration. The entire Empire was trying to establish local politics in an attempt to regain a sense of normality and healthy living conditions. The first two Kingdoms to arise from Leona's ashes were the Kingdoms of Marbia and Anzia (the Kingdom of Marbia and the Kingdom of Anzia) which were able to quickly establish an agreed border and communicate peacefully together. Next came the Mordamatorian Theocracy who were able to utilise the Pantheon of Dawn to establish peace and use their loyal Godsmen to prevent infighting. Then came the unification of the military generals who had served Queen Leona, using their already far reach and control of the primary military they were able to unite the remaining of the fallen empire under the banner of the Vastelian Empire. Lastly however came the rebellious general who with his splinter cell of the Vastelian Empire military seized the lands of Barcilacia.   The old Principality of Gigia which controlled the southern lands of Telmia was able to remain in enough of a politically stable position to further expand northward into the fallen country of the Sziks Empire. By befriending local lords and supporting a range of local towns they were able to provide a sense of security to those who were countryless. Indeed some saw this as a betrayal and fought back, but Gigia expanded prior to the militarization of the Vastelian Empire meaning aggressive resistance was futile. Finally when the new Empire formed those south of the forming nation sought protection from the aggression from the Vastelians. To prevent another major war so soon Gigia split themselves into the Kingdom of Earania and Cartitia. Cartitia was protected by the Earanians and because of this and their strong trade routes with the Kingdom matched with superb port town placements for further trade, the country was able to thrive into the modern-day.   The Grand Duchy of Bles once occupied Folimia however, with the collapse of neighbouring kingdoms the country saw a larger and larger disconnect between the ruling family and the people. Bles erupted into civil war splitting into three new distinct nations to occupy the region. Etaria and Vencantia the former led in a full democracy for the people and the latter by a newly elected royal family as well as the third nation the Grand Duchy of Tranina where the high class settled.   The Holsen Empire to the West, in a similar move to Gigia, took the opportunity of an international revolt to seek expansion. They invaded their wartime allies under a new name, Roglian Empire. Their attack on the Kingdom of Monter ended with the death of the King of Monter allowing the Roglians to grow substantially.   With the death of their father, the two young daughters of the dead King of Monter conflicted over the leadership of the country. The sisters, aged 15 and 19 eventually split their Kingdom in half. Little is known whether this was a result of the sibling's conflict or if other royal advisors had interfered. Regardless the older sister founded the Kingdom of Midgering and the younger founded the Kingdom of Anvika. After a decade had passed the sisters were finally able to rekindle their sisterly bond with each other by entering into an incestual love and marrying. Ridiculed by their country and ostracized by the people they were able to found the Principality of Durlia together.   Lastly, Cherin, formed on the outskirts of the Balamaz Battlefields the newly formed nations of now modern Skålnir instigated the demilitarized zone of Cherin. With no ruling body and supported by the other countries, Cherin acts as a country of second chances. It proves peace talks, third-party support and most importantly acted as a home for many of the wartime refugees and orphans. The country to this day is conflict-free and used often by royal families to farmers disputing farmlands.