
Peace, Prosperity, and Perseverance

After the Royal Cleansing it was determined that an extra nation be formed to preserve the fragile peace that was cracking slowly around the lands. The 14 Nations of Skålnir all came together to declare the land that holds together Unsvi and Telmia as the location of this State of peace. Cherin was established and regular democratic meetings were made between delegates of the 15 nations (Cherin had a delegate known as The Concord who oversaw debate and ran meetings). These meetings covered any form of dispute or debate that nations would want to bring forward between all nations to gain a worldy view on the topic.
  Cherin is quite a small population as they are more a governmental body than the nation, however, people who do live there must either be staying there to contribute to world peace or because they were invited. Invitations can be sent out from and leader of Cherin and could be to train, study or assist in that leader's field of expertise.   

Structure of Cherin

Cherin is organised through a Bureaucracy of various lead 'Roles', these roles oversea large sections of Cherin. 


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