The Council Of Justice


  The Council of Justice is not so much a religion in a spiritual sense as it is a set of guidelines and practices that aim to allow an individual to be confident in their actions as well as to provide assistance to others. They follow a strictly lawfully good ideology and are often hired as judges, high ranking military personnel and other important roles that require strict judgment to be passed down.   The High Council rules alongside the leading governments of Folimia as well as acts as a non-bias third party who helps in the facilitation of the Grand Debates by the Grand Folimian Truce . Followers of the Council Of Justice are called Scholar Priests or Priestesses or when elected to serve the High Council, High Priests or Priestesses.   The Council Of Justice believe that emotion interferes with one's ability to make the best logical decision in a situation and thus they are taught to refrain from listening to their hearts when making choices that are relevant to others. Because of this, they will often be fixated on finding out every fact during an investigation or even when deciding what to eat for breakfast. They attempt to weigh in every relevant factor when considering their options in a scenario and can be very brutally honest with others if it means getting answers.
  They have four simple guidelines they see as rules to being a good scholar of the council. They are as follows:  

Rules of the Council

Emotion obscures truth
There is always more to learn
The best solution may be a lesser of many evils
One need only resort to violence in defence of innocence

The fall of the Council:

In recent years the influence of the Council has started to weaken and the separation they have from the General public of Folimia has grown. Once they would walk the streets, people would clear the isles for them, clean their robes for free, and make space for them. Now when in public they do so with one hand on their blade.
Folimia is in a troubled time, Etaria's trade downfall has heavily affected the joint resources of the Grand Truce and thus tension between Etaria, Tranina and Vencantia has formed. In these more trying times, the Council's ideologies of choosing the lesser evil have resulted in multiple controversial public issues such as food shortages, the rising cost of living and even a greater military push. The public (supported by some politicians) has used the Council as a scapegoat for their disdain.