Grand Folimian Truce


The three nations who occupy Folimia (The Grand Duchy of Tranina, Etaria and Vencantia) created a joint government where one of three royal families must be voted in. Together, they create a democratic Government where the ruling families' vote counts for two when making Continental level decisions. The voting is done in a way where a citizen may vote for any three of the families. Because of this, people have more allegiance to the Families then they do the nation they choose to live in. It leads to a weird atmosphere of allegiance and political segregation between the people.
The vote occurs once a year and there is no limit for how long one family may stay in power.
  Currently, the Farrowforce Family are in power.    

The Three Families of Follimia

The Watersprung Family

The Great Watersprung family of The Grand Duchy of Tranina, A force to be reckoned with this family holds their heads high and shows their elegant wealth in their extravagantly crafted jewellery and outlandish outfits of wealth. They promote status and increasing the wealth of Folimia through political negotiations. They argue that Folimia is not seen as the great united island continent that it should be and that the discourse in Folimia leads to the mainland nations seeing them as a minor land, countries that can not govern themselves in constant infighting. Their primary political goal is to have the Folimian Truce recognised worldwide as a symbol of united strength and wealth that other countries would want to engage more with.
  The main problem with the Watersprung Family is their arrogance and belief that they are the sole family who can display their status and global presence to other nations. They receive a lot of disdain for shoving their high wealth in front of all and are hated by the poorer families who see their incredible amount of boasting as unsympathetic.
  The Watersprung family have the vote of the wealthy and those who want to see Folimia united as one powerful nation. However, they do not receive the vote of the poor.


The Farrowforce Family

Leaning into Cartitia the Farrowforce family of Etaria attempt to strengthen the bonds and allegiances with Cartitia, growing trade and supporting the monarchy to create a healthier local political ecosystem for both countries. As both nations suffer through political fluctuation of control, whether it be from the evergrowing Merchants guild in Cartitita, or the rapidly shifting leaders and ideologies of the democratic truce, the Farrowforce and Dire families try to unite their people in expressing the power of strong trade between each other.
  There are many benefits that come from trade between Cartitia and Etaria, free travel between the landmasses and cheaper goods acquisition are the primary selling points during the political campaigns of the Farrowforces'. Commoners of Folimia often find themselves seeing a vote for the Farrowforce family as safe and never controversial. Farrowforces policies are safe, beneficial and the strong relationship with a mainland island is seen as a large benefit.
  When not in power the Farrowfoce family still seek to achieve these good trades however, they have significantly less amount of resources to trade due to the Waterspung's wanting to use the resources for the people's benefit and the Elfsong family using the resources to create new allyships in Unsvi, the eastern side of Skålnir.
  In recent years, however, The Farrowforce's have been under scrutiny for sizeable economic losses, in their current time of power money has been struggling to reach the people. Living in Folimia has gotten significantly harder and the family is in heavy damage control. There are various theorised reasons for this economic decline and it is heavily speculated that one core factor is the lessening influence of the Merchants Guild within in Folimia. By siding so heavily with the Dire family of Cartitia, the Farrowforce's have been essentially trade embargoed by perhaps the greatest trade community in Skålnir and now many merchants have left the lands alongside community financial advisors, accountants and brokers.

The Elfsong Family

The Elfsong Family seek innovation and change in how Folimia interacts with the world as they represent the family of Vencantia. Using the backlash and questionable ties with Cartitia as a backbone for seeking favour in the public vote, The Elfsong family promise new trade relationships with Unsvi, away from the dealings and drama of the Merchants Guild and politically weak allies. The family is heavily backed by Kingdom of Anvika, a much more powerful ally isolated from the war and with a people much more loyal to their crown.
  Currently, the family are unable to do much to build that allegiance with the lack of Folimian resources and the much worse trade infrastructure such as port towns, warehouses and sailors. However, they argue that once in power they will use whatever funds Etaria has not thrown into the ocean yet to create this infrastructure, the promise of jobs will bring experienced dock handlers and sailors from Etaria, and the resources will be bought at a premium price by Anvika to assist in creating a strong and healthy trade line between Folimia and Anvika.
  Similar to why some would vote for the Farrowforce family, many like the concept of having a connection with the mainland. Previously, the Elfsong family were more Folimia-first minded however in the recent political scandals of the Etarian rule they have made major policy changes that nearly all rely on the backbone of new trade with Anvika.