The Elladin Spirites


The Elladin Spirites started as small urban legends on the island of East Unsvi and slowly grew in popularity. Possibly due to the high spiritual sensitivity, the people have to the fauna and flora of the island they created a set of wilderness-like deities to represent their interactions with the world they have been blessed with. Followers of this religion are often called: Elladins or Spiritfolk  

The Elladin Spirits:

  • Dojin - Spirit of Earth and Stability - Lawful Neutral
  • Azuminoisora - Spirit of Sea and Change - Chaotic Neutral
  • Kayanohime - Spirit of Nature and Life - Neutral Good
  • Isetsuhiko - Spirit of The Breeze and commitment - lawful Good
  • Kagutsuchi - Spirit of Fire and Battle - Neutral Evil
  • Kajin - Spirit of pure chaos and selfishness - Chaotic Evil
  • Ugayafukiaezu - Spirit of Monotheism, Monogamy and Individualism - Lawful Evil
  • Kuraokami - Spirit of Dragons - Chaotic Good

The Splitting of the Kuninotokotachi

When the earth split from the heavenly realm and crashed down into the chaos of the abyss the Kuninotokotachi used its energy to allow the earth to float on the chaos. The earth was a lifeless boundary that separated the Heavens and the disorder and over time the land itself, also known as Kuninotokotachi started to be influenced from either side. Being a spirit of pure neutrality its internal spirit started to split into 8 as its soul was pulled in every direction. Eventually, as the cracks grew wider and wider until Kuninotokotachi separated into 8 other lesser spirits. These 8 Spirits are the current Elladin Spirits, each representing an alignment of Kuninotokotachi's split personality. These 8 spirits went on to occupy the sparse and scarce earth and over time used their abilities to mould the world to its current shape. At last, when they were happy with the world as it was, they further split themselves like their one body had many eras ago. They split themselves into the life that should occupy the lands, animals, creatures, intelligence as well as inflicting their morals onto these creatures.

In the current day, followers of these spirits believe all life and intelligence came from the gifts of these 8 spirits and that everything around them is imbued with their energy.

The Outcast Spirits:

The loss of individualism
As time moved on and influences came and went so did the societies and communities that praised these spirits. These civilisations grew to have a distaste for individualism, they came to normalise the idea that all life shares the spirit of the great Kuninotokotachi in them and thus everything of intelligence is equal. This rejection of creatures being separate and instead of being united led to a very open society with no hierarchal powers and no acceptance for those who follow Shepard others. Furthermore, as this appreciation for unification grew, the concept of relationships followed, the Elladins broke away from traditional two-person bonds and instead formed troupes.
These troupes were groups of around 5 (though could range into any number) who would live together, sleep together and act as what other societies would view as a family. Bloodties however were frowned upon if they were to share a troupe though. Members of a troupe could come and go and although one could be part of many troupes it was seen as disrespectful. Finally, the concept of family was lost and troupes became the default subsectoring of communities.
Due to the loss of blood ties relevancy, intercourse became largely accepted to be done with whoever although usually stayed between one's troupe. It no longer was a sacred event between two people but became more of a sign of immense admiration for others and led to the growth of the number of children within these communities. Children would be looked after by the troupe of the one who gave birth to them and at the age of 16 were granted the freedom to form or join their own troupe. By 18 they would no longer be allowed to stay in any troupe that had a bloodtie.
The final process in the removal of individualism was the ostracization of the Spirit of Soul, Ugayafukiaezu, who previously was the spirit prayed to in times of self-justification. Whether this is self-acceptance, meditation, or other activities that strengthened one's bond with their mind (or soul). The influence of Ugayafukiaezu discouraged individuals from seeking consol in their troupes and their communities. People saw it more effective to be open and allow external help to fix internal issues.
Chaos and Evil
For good to be seen in the world, one must have a distinguished understanding of what lingers below our world
Di'Felor, Spiritfolk Scholar
  All creatures are void of Evil from their creation. Nothing is more pure and goodly than a newborn life, however, as the earth was cursed with being the boundary between the abyss of chaos and the lights of heaven the evil that comes from the abyss seeps through the earth just as the lights of heaven light our days. Elladins believe that evil comes from the earth they live on, it seeps into the soles of one's feet and slowly rises to their heart where it settles as shivering cold. Those who the Elladin communities see as evil are understood to not warm their hearts enough to counteract this cold, whether this be from staying indoors or from wearing layers to more spiritually not gaining a more intrinsic warmth that comes with helping others or being helped themselves.
Similarly, there is more than just one way to freeze a heart. Murder is seen as the worst form as it voids another creature of their own warmth and simply being around dead bodies will quickly influence one's heart. Other tasks one can undertake to freeze their heart can include:
  • Going a prolonged time without physical interaction. Physical interaction is seen as a way of sharing one's heat.
  • Not eating hot meals.
  • Staying indoors.
  • Not Sleeping near fires or sources of warmth.
It is the responsibility of a troupe to maintain a healthy spiritual relationship with the heavens for every member of that troupe. And when the community have determined an individual to have a frozen heart they must go about extreme measures to thaw it. If an individual refuses these measures they are seen to have a shattered heart and to have been taken over by the Kajin Spirit. The Kajin spirit itself has never been accepted by Spiritfolk as it embodies the chaos that they aim to prevent so much. When one is said to be possessed by the Kajin Spirit they are sent on the Trial of Kagutsuchi, also known as the Trial of Fire.
Betrayal of the Dragons:
Many eons ago, when the reign of dragons was common talk and the Elladins where still ruled by leaders in their community, there was a man by the name of Regalius who bargained with the dragon Bridor, Firebreath to grant the island of East Unsvi eternal warmth and protection from the abyss of chaos underneath their earth in return for the Spirit of Kuraokami to be rebranded to that of the Spirit of Dragons. The Dragon was friends was Regalius and took up this offer granting an eternal summertime like heat to East Unsvi.
The people of East Unsvi praised Bridor and the Spirit of Kuraokami for centries until one day the protection stopped without warning and the islands eternal warmth was broken with a cold winter. Since then the Spiritfolk have seen dragons in a negative eye and banished the Spirit of Kuraokami from all and any shrines and households that once praised his name.


  • Elladins are strictly Vegetarian as they see any being with intelligence as equal to them.
  • Elladins tend to wear more revealing clothes so that the lights of the heavens can easily reach their hearts.
  • When someone dies, their body is quickly burned to ashes, ceremonies of death occur once the body has fully disintegrated.
  • When Elladins meet people they will always go for a hug as a sign of friendliness.

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