Appearing before Gorom the Enlightened, Apac declares to leave this world. Gorom is to be his representative in the world for the duration of his life.
Appearing before Gorom the Enlightened, Apac declares to leave this world. Gorom is to be his representative in the world for the duration of his life.
Megethia di Teminaedus travels to Dinone for the celebrations and to reunite with her beloved Canum
Being in love for several years, the betrothal of Canum Principas to Megethia di Teminaedus is finally accepted by Gorom
Marriage between Megethia di Teminaedus of Keandra and Canum Primus Principas of Ethoras at the Cathedral of Heroics
The sons of Gorom, Canum and Anatus, speak to the worried people of Ethoras, trying to give them hope.
Canum decides to take care of his father and temporarily leaves organization of various matters of state to his brother.
At another rally led by the princes and their wives, Anatus Secundus Principas calls for prayers towards an unknown god.
Outraged by the actions of Anatus, Canum banishes Anatus and his wive to the outskirts of the lands. The action is kept quiet.
Canum declares the cult of Zecod outlawed. Led by Megethia, several villages are trying to stand against the growing cult of Zecod
Anatus travels to the palace, invited by his brother on the grounds of negotiation
Tricked by his brother, Canum gets imprisonedin the palace, the Palacguard gets overwhelmed by the Spears of Zecod
Megethia leads a raid on the palace, to release her husband Canum from prison
All six Gods of the pantheon appear before Canum to warn him of impending doom.
Rushing to arrive at the hidden prision of Zecod first, Canum and his father travel west as well.
Marianne and her Spears of Zecod try to prevent Canum and Gorom to catch up with Anatus
Megethia di Teminaedus dies protecting her husband, giving him an opportunity to get past Marianne and her followers. It was the day of her twentyfifth birthday.
Upon arriving at the prision of Zecod, Canum and Gorom are ambushed by Anatus and Marianne
While gravely wounding Canum, Marianne herself gets struck down during the fighting. Canum and Gorom are getting emprisoned.
Due to the actions of the fanatic followers, Zecod can free himself briefly
With them they bring the surviving God-King and his son Canum from the battlefield
Both admit to be blamed for the events that led to the destruction of the whole kingdom
Founded guilty, they were drowned in the new sea now covering Ethoras in the very last hour of the year