15th of Vitukua, Sabes-Kimming of the year 1289AR
15th of Vitukua, Sabes-Kimming of the year 1289AR
Megethia di Teminaedus travels to Dinone for the celebrations and to reunite with her beloved Canum
Marriage between Megethia di Teminaedus of Keandra and Canum Primus Principas of Ethoras at the Cathedral of Heroics
Marriage between Marianne del Inerell of Baradolia and Anatus Secundus Principas of Ethoras at the Cathedral of Heroics.
The sons of Gorom, Canum and Anatus, speak to the worried people of Ethoras, trying to give them hope.
At another rally led by the princes and their wives, Anatus Secundus Principas calls for prayers towards an unknown god.
The followers of the newly risen cult of Zecod burns down the Cathedral.
All six Gods of the pantheon appear before Canum to warn him of impending doom.