Apsonauros Character in Skene | World Anvil
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The Judge (a.k.a. The Unruffled)

Patron dragon god of the halflings and all those who pledge peace over violence, Apsonauros is known throughout Skene for his pacifist (and sometimes even apathetic) teachings. Legends say that he would laze around for days, pondering on questions of the universe and the nature of war. He was and is also renowned as the “Great Dragon of Judgement” or simply as “the Judge.” Many took thieves, murderers, and countless other criminals of the law for his judgement in a time where impartial judgement by mortals was not commonplace. And this fate was often preferred, for he was both inclined toward forgiveness and swift in his judgement--never a purveyor of suffering. Judgement fair and swift, he is one of the most loved of the pantheon.   It is said that the Hero, Ga’el, once approached Apsonauros and pleaded for his blessing. When the dragon asked what he might give in exchange for such a thing, Ga’el lamented that he had no body, mind, spirit, or emotion that could possibly appease or overcome a dragon. However, he was a talented musician, and he drew out his mandolin. Humbly, he stated that his song could soothe any heart, and he requested that if he could soothe the heart of the dragon and place him under the spell of slumber, that Apsonauros may give him the power he sought. Seeing that Ga’el was small and meek, the dragon did not believe his song would be loud enough to reach his heart, but he relented and agreed. It is said that Ga’el’s song was so beautiful that Apsonauros, as he shut his eyes, wept the rivers of Ourania, and the tear that fell on Ga’el blessed him with the power that now graces his house descendants.   To this day, Apsonauros is still said to be sleeping… The whereabouts of his body remain unknown...
Divine Classification
Great Dragon

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