Ara'ge Character in Skene | World Anvil
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The Spirit of the Dawn (a.k.a. The Golden Griffin)

The spirit of dawn and dusk. Born of Menakatos and Apsonauros. He is a spirit few worship and even fewer have seen. HIs reclusive nature and disinterest in mortal affairs has caused a divide between him and the world he technically presides over. Responsible for dawn and dusk, he brings an opening and close to the world each day and takes great pride in his work. Also a lesser god of judgement, he believes no true evil exists in the world and became a stand-in for his father’s work for a time after Apsonauros fell into an eternal slumber.   The people of Orestes hold a festival for him on spring and autumn equinoxes, and his design is quite popular amongst textile workers and artists. It is only those of Orestes that truly know and appreciate the works of his awesome power.


Divine Classification
Great Spirit

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