Godnii & Pesti Character in Skene | World Anvil
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Godnii & Pesti

(a.k.a. The Twins of Despair)

Twin spirits that emerged from the defiled body of Numa, they embody all the death, despair, and madness within the world. With their creation, the balance of pleasure and suffering was thrown into chaos, and all mortal things came to know a greater suffering. Their time on the earth was short lived, but felt by all living creatures.   It is not known why the two ancient spirits so suddenly disappeared. Some say that they had expelled too much power in the torture of man. Others say they were slain by a hero of mankind. And a select few believe that they still linger somewhere secret on the earth.   Added Information: Upon the fleeing of a pregnant Princess Atra Jennine and arrival at Dusame where the two spirits have been trapped, Godnii struck a deal with the crown royal. In exchange for her family’s protection, she would give birth to twins and offer one as a host. This curse renews its cycle with each generation of Rigel, ensuring the safety and reproduction of the royal line. It appears that the original mortal bodies of Godnii & Pesti have perished, but their spirits live on, trapped in the village of Dusame by a magic somehow concocted by the wizard Vensheft… How they came to expire or why they were trapped remains unknown.
Divine Classification
Ancient Ones

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