Numa Character in Skene | World Anvil
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The Green Mother

Born of Tikto, the Growing, and Menakatos, the Birthing, Numa is regarded as the mother of the elves. After her entrance into the world, she received her father’s knowledge and spiritual power, and when he became the Northern Lands, she wandered aimlessly over his body growing flowers and trees with every step she took. From the flowers that sprouted in her footsteps bloomed the elves, and they emerged bared and ignorant, but beautiful. When Numa saw them, she recognized them at once as her own, and she nurtured them with all her being. It was from Numa that the elves learned of magic and spirits and nature, and fearing that they would suffer the same failings of man, she placed within their souls a piece of herself so that they may enjoy the earth longer. Having done this, she passed on the guardianship of the Northern Lands to the elves, instructed them to protect all life and spirit within, and passed to the next life.   The blood of her body flowed into the river Cel’arasfaen and birthed the White Stag that now serves as the lifeblood of the Northern Lands. Her body was placed to rest within a secret and sacred location, but when the drow ‘betrayed’ the elves and revolted against their mastership, they took the body of Numa from her holy place and hid the bones. As a result of this outrage, the flesh of her still rotting body split asunder, and from it, Godnii and Pesti came into the world.


Divine Classification
Ancient One

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