The Uncaring Character in Skills Optional Death Possible | World Anvil

The Uncaring

The Uncaring is a lost god believed to have been destroyed in the calamity. He is referenced by a single book in the entire Alabaster Lyceum, and the subject of a tome Torden recovered from the shadowfell. The Uncaring survived being torn into four pieces, Three of which later fused allowing the god to partially reform and assume a portion of their power.   The Uncaring rules over the Library of Lore as it's head librarian, maintaining and expanding the largest collection of knowledge in the multiverse.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

A purple eye atop a pillar, surrounded by a pentagram.

Tenets of Faith

  • The Magic that can be described is not the true magic.
  • The Magic that can be cast is not the constant magic.
  • Magic, like muscle, requires use to be maintained, or else it will wither and die.


With their removal from the world for a long period of time, worship of The Uncaring declined, and as such there are no holidays observed in their name.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Uncaring seeks to fully reform themselves and return to their position of prominence as head librarian.
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations

Character Portrait image: Boccob Holy Symbol