The Living Archives Organization in Skills Optional Death Possible | World Anvil

The Living Archives

The Living Archives are a group of senior librarians that attended to the library in the absence of The Uncaring, It is unknown exactly how many beings hold this title, but every living archive that has been met seems to answer directly to The Uncaring, and holds unmatched skill or expertise in one field, usually a form of magic. They wear identical robes and masks and only reveal their identities when dealing with situations that require a personal touch, as the emotionless facade can be intimidating. Tik, as assistant to The Uncaring, deals quite frequently with new arrivals and fresh applicants, and can be seen most often without his uniform.   The name "Living Archive" is a bit of a misnomer however, as they are souls placed in construct bodies, each the same height and weight, but with blank features for their personalities to imprint on. Neither alive, nor dead, but given form to work for the library. As such they register as undead for most detection spells as they are technically bound souls.   When one joins the living Archives they choose a single word name, the meaning behind this is unknown. The current members of the Living Archives are assumed to have a specialist in every major form of magic, however Lore Mastery, and studied psionics, are both very new schools of magic, and as such no one with sufficient skill in either has committed their soul to the library to become a living archive. Likewise, most master blade singers worship the Archheart, and don't petition the library in the first place.   Known Members
  • Tik - Chronurgist
  • Brath - Specialty unknown
  • Rayth - Conjuration
  • Menos - Specialty unknown 
  • Auris  - Specialty unknown
  • Elle  - specialty unknown
Educational, Library
Alternative Names
Senior Librarians
Subsidiary Organizations