The Whispered One Character in Skills Optional Death Possible | World Anvil

The Whispered One

Vecna, The Whispered one, is an evil fledgling god who only recently ascended. At first a lich, Vecna used his cult following to unearth a forgotten ritual and become the god of dark secrets, the sole god on this side of the divine gate. Thankfully he was banished to the proper side by the efforts of mortals, though his schemes now indirect have not stopped.   Vecna calls no place among the planes his home, instead wandering in search of powerful artifacts and secrets to further his unknowable plots.   Those who claim to have looked on Vecna’s form speak of a tall, skeletal lich swathed in tattered robes and enchanted jewels, missing both his left hand and left eye. by some accounts they are the scion of The Uncaring from his days as a mortal(s).   While Vecna loathes all other gods and wishes to destroy them and become the sole divine power in the planes, he has a particular hatred for Ioun. Ioun seeks to share with the world the same secrets Vecna guards for himself, and his followers work diligently to undermine and destroy the Library of the Cobalt Soul and any others who follow her path. The Raven Queen also despises Vecna, and sees his presence as a mighty affront to her purpose.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Learn all you can, and keep hidden that which you know. Reveal what pieces you must, but never the whole.
  • Express and cultivate the evil within yourself, and in doing so, recognize it in others to exploit them for your own benefit.
  • Seed the ruin of all who worship other deities, until only those who kneel before Vecna remain.
Divine Classification
New God

Character Portrait image: Whispered One holy symbol