
Archemage Ulfrik Schattenlied, Grand Lore Master

Ulfrik is a Shadar-Kai Wizard, and former member of the player character party, and a former Fighter class. Tall, dark, and mischevious. Ulfrik stands at six feet six inches of pure chaos. His pale skin set with deep violet eyes, and dark hair betray his past in the shadowfell. Like most elves he's slim and youthful despite his age. Ulfrik isn't unkind so much as he is rambunctious, he has a tendency to tell lies to others if he thinks the outcome could be entertaining, as he did when he tried to convince Enders that all dwarves become zombies when they die. Raised in the Shadowfell, Ulfrik escaped to the material plane after an unfortunate incident with his fellow Shadar-kai. His dislike for the plane and it's ruler The Raven Queen meant he was suited well to the prime material.   It was during his travels that he originally joined Fantasia Bazaar, where he learned about Dancing, Music, Fighting, and anything else his fellow entertainers thought the fresh face needed.   During a confrontation with a Half-Dragon Brimson in the Iron seat ridge, Ulfrik, like the rest of the party was challenged to a trial by combat while attempting to save Enders. Fearing the Altar the halfling was placed on had sacrificial purposes the party one by one faced the trial, and one by one they lost. Ulfrik was shaken by this, having really lost his first fight, and being beaten within an inch of his life, he started to fear what would come next.   The death of Yaromir still fresh in his mind, he made a bargain with the Wizard Marvin Man-grass, where he would be taught and educated in exchange for free labor. Hoping to learn the secrets that the Wizard used to prolong his own life. He now lives and works with the wizard learning everything he can through their travels as a roaming merchant, or the time spent in the lab at the Alabaster Lyceum, or even just the random meetings of the Arcana Pansophical.   After Virris (aka Marvin) and Yurek fused into a half-formed The Uncaring, and resumed their role as Head Librarian in the library of lore, Ulfrik was summoned along with the guard drakes and given a chance to study in the library. This was an unparalleled chance to further his magical education, and the only request from the god was that he join and assist Marvin's former mercenary group the Merry Whistle Mercs. Studying for some time in the distorted time of the library, Ulfrik eventually abandoned his ways as a fighter and focused solely on obtaining magical power, and the clone spell. His fear of death, or more specifically a return to the Matron of Ravens driving him ever forward. When he finally left the library to join Merry Whistle, he was left with his mentor Virris's old sword, one of The Baneblades, Faervian.

Mental characteristics


Traveling with Fantazia Bazaar was the first job Ulfrik held after coming to the material plane, which he eventually left to strike out on his own with his companion Enders. They made their way as adventurers for a time before Ulfrik became a stockboy and wizards apprentice to facilitate his training in the arcane arts, eventually leading to his current position as a member of the Merry Whistle Mercenaries.

Mental Trauma

After nearly dying multiple times Ulfrik became intensely afraid of his soul returning to the shadowfell and by extension the raven queen, so he struck a deal with the wizard Virris (whom he originally knew as Marvin) and trained in the Library of Lore for a long period of time to eventually become a wizard himself. Now hoping to find a way to avoid dying, preferably with a clone spell, Ulfrik travels with his former mentors mercenary band "The Merry Whistle Mercenaries" in the hopes that they can keep him alive long enough to learn what he needs to learn.
Year of Birth
752 85 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
born to a small family of shadar-kai in the shadowfell, Ulfrik left as soon as he was able, as he found the entire plane's obsession with fate rather stifling.
Purple with white streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
146 llbs
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Celestial