
Asa is a metaphysical substance which has been described as a mirror image of matter and energy. Recent theories, specifically the threefold equivalency theory, posits that it is in fact the exact same thing as matter and energy, simply in a different form. It exists in the Asaeic Plane, though can be drawn into the physical realm by the use of an Asaeic Anchor or other sort of bridge and used to fuel any number of manifestations. The more Asa is used, generally the more potent the manifestation will be.
In the asaeic plane, Asa takes on a role very similar to matter, though it is subject to different laws than the physical. Like matter, it can be found in multiple states as well as be loaded with an energetic equivalent of itself. This allows physical objects to be almost identically translated into the Asaeic plane and vice versa.


It is theorised that Asa is minimally conscious or at least capable of will. It is, as demonstrated directly by manifestations, capable of influencing the material. As such, should it be capable to do so itself without an outside party to direct it, it should be capable of influencing the physical world to its desires in a subtle manner. The first evidence of Asaeic activity shortly predates the time during which life is thelrised to first have emerged from Primeval chaos on many worlds. This is evidence that not only does Asa not necessarily require a physical creature or mind to influence the physical, but also possesses a will, which leads it to seek out life.

Theological Implication

Some fringe theological groups worshiping gods they believe to be greater than the universe itself claim this is evidence for an intelligence behind creation. This is contested by studies into the origin of asa, and the true capacity of its consciousness. The will to life theory holds water, as the Barbanu-Foille experiments indicate. However any studies attempting to measure a capacity for greater thought and consciousness have been inconclusive. As such the commonly accepted theory is that Asa, while mechanically creating environments for life to emerge does so unthinkingly, without greater thought. This would make sense as it's through life that Asa is formed.


Origin & Source

Asa first came