Crown of Gailesburgh

The Crown of Gailesburgh is the monarch ruling over the entirety of the Commonwealth of Gailesburgh. While technically a constitutional title, and thus subject to the powers and limitations granted to them by the constitution of Gailesburgh, the Crown has ultimate power to supersede any such drawbacks by Sovereign Decree. Such a decree may also be used to dismiss Parliament and return power to the monarch alone. So far this power is used infrequently, though with some regularity, as a means to remind the government of the power of their monarch. The title is hereditary, however it is within the power of the crown to pass the title to any heir of their choice. It is additionally theoretically possible for the Crown to be deposed should there be a unanimous vote in favor from the Parliament. The title is currently held by Erena the 1st of Gailesburgh


The title evolved from High King/Queen and Emperor/Empress of Gailesburgh, however it changed when the empire restructured into the Commonwealth as it is known today. There has been some major contention over the monarch's absolute power to rule, which is partly why the title is disguised as a constitutional position to the unacquainted. There remains quite a large amount of disagreement with the Crown, though less so since local governments were given more individual power.
Form of Address
His/Her Majesty
Source of Authority
Consitution of Gailesburgh
Length of Term
Till Death
Current Holders
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