Barion Commonwealth

The Barion Commonwealth is one of the large skylar powers, dominant across countless stars, planets, and moons. It evolved from the territory of the former Gailesburgh Empire, as a diplomatic strategy to quell rebellion. As such, the commonwealth is officially a collection of nations and colonies forming a federal government. However, while the individual territories are largely self-governing, they are all subject to monarchical rule from Barion. Despite the relatively recent discovery of skylar travel in Barion, the empire has seen rapid expansion, dominating its immediate neighbours, such as Placairn.


The Commonwealth is led by the Crown of Gailesburgh, a hereditary title which gives close to absolute power to the ruler. It is kept in check by the Commonwealth Constitution and the House of Parliament, however the Crown is generally able to supersede any decisions, laws, and objections put forth by the house of parliament or the constitution, retaining its status as a monarchical imperial title.
The house of parliament is made up of delegates from the territories of Gailesburgh as well as nobility mostly from Gailesburgh itself. They are capable of writing laws and making political decisions. One such decision is the appointment of ministers to oversee each of the Commonwealths issues, from finance to foreign relations. Generally, ministers are elected from the ranks of the parliament and may choose a number of ministerial secretaries to aid with their tasks.
As each territory is mostly self-governing, the organizational structure of each is dependent upon the territory in question. Commonly however, the leader, usually called a Governor, is appointed by a council of local nobility or elected representatives and must be approved by the parliament and/or Crown. Each territory has its own offices and local ministers to handle the day-to-day matters of running the local area.



The commonwealth is strict. Many use the phrase "strict but fair" to refer to their country, while others, mostly those on the opposite side of the law's batons, would liken it more to a tyranny. For many, the strictness of the law in Gailesburgh brings safety and prosperity, but many others find it oppressive. This culture extends to day to day life, especially in the higher echelons of society. Societal norms are taken very seriously, and although not necessarily unlawful, many acts found not agreeable can lead to personal ruin. However the Commonwealth is a large dominion and by no means a cultural monolith. The further one travels from the heart of barion power, the more lax it becomes.

New Lives and Bureaucracy

While the Commonwealth attempts to be controlling, it is impossible to keep track of everyone. The absolute size of the realm makes bureaucracy a nightmare. As such it is fairly easy for one to simply abandon their old lives and find new ones among new friends and new jobs. Unless you are a notorious criminal or famous in some manner, it is surprisingly easy to slip into a new identity without having to run from the law for the rest of your life.

Class and Status

Gailesburgh is a pretty classist society, with a very small and privileged noble class owning almost all of the countries resources, with dubious claims on wealth far outside its immediate control as well. However in recent times, the direct relation of noble blood to one's social standing has been eroding, as it has become increasingly possible for entrepreneurs to rise through the ranks and amass vast wealth through business. Noble titles are still important status symbols, however it has become more common for wealthy individuals lacking a title to be granted one, often in return for heavy donations to the crown or church. Many believe this is a method to maintain control as the idea of a noble vassal to their lord is becoming less and less relevant.

Race and Prejudice

Gailesburgh, due to its sheer expansive size and number of systems under its control, is very diverse. However that does not hinder certain sentiments to be prevalent among its populace. The Commonwealth is very Human centered, and many less human-like races experience a non-insignificant amount of prejudice. There are even cases of indentured servitude, which is far more common with non-human races than human ones. There are also nearly no non-human nobles across the Commonwealth.

Technological Level

Gailesburgh is highly advanced in its local region. Their engineers are adept at bending the powers of steam and electricity to their whim, and are even capable of implementing Asaeic manifestations into their machinery. Their military and even private individuals are equipped with advanced Mercanter Skyships, using a combination of steam and electrical power with some Asaeic support as their main mode of propulsion. Asaeic assistant devices are also manufactured which allow practically anyone with the proper know-how to summon manifestations. There are even rumors of clockwork robots being built at various institutions, men of cogs and wires, able to think and feel as a human. Indubitably in order to aid with bureaucracy in the Commonwealth.


One aspect in which the technological supremacy of the Commonwealth is somewhat lacking however is communication. Asaeic means of communication have not been discovered, and as such the empire relies of mundane methods. While electric wires can quickly pass messages as pulses of energy on a celestial body, if a message is to be sent to a distant star there is no choice but to send a messenger shuttle. Although relatively fast, they are easily intercepted, and as such speed is often traded for security. That said, the Commonwealth has a very advanced postal system, which even its greatest detractors credit as one of its few true merits.


Ever since the signing of the Molmest Pact, the only officially sanctioned state religion in the Barion Commonwealth has been the worship of An-Dyea, following the orthodoxy of the High Temple. The signing of the pact has also given the High Inquisition full authority in the Commonwealth territories. Old religions are slowly dying out, but still very present, practiced in secret.


Although there have been efforts made to introduce basic education to the masses, especially by local governments, the efforts are not superbly successful. Common children are generally alphabetized to some degree through they can barely be called literate. In many cases, the child is considered more important working a job than going to school. Even if they attend, their education will most likely remain at a somewhat basic level. As such, higher education remains a luxury for the rich, which are wealthy enough afford private tutors and the high tuition fees of universities. Some egalitarian universities have made efforts to extend a hand to hardworking commoners, however such institutions are few and far between.

Law, Progress, Prosperity

Alternative Names
Gailesburgh, the Commonwealth,
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Royal Silver Ducat Royal Silver Noble
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


After the war in the greater ring led to great casualties on both sides and the formation of the Confederation of Sovereign Kingdoms, an armistice was signed ceasing the direct confrontation between the two superpowers. Nonetheless, tensions are still exceptionally high, and proxy wars are being fought all over the sky.

At War

Kaolao is at war with the Barion Commonwealth due to the clauses of the Southern Alliance.

At War

It has come to blows between Barion and Gohae. Both hate what the other stands for, but Barion currently does not see Gohae as a threat.

At War

Early victories against an unprepared Mailaira have lead Barion to discount them as a threat.

At War

Hekao declared war upon Barion as soon as the latter claimed the Ai-Mobai Isles. The Commonwealth has recognised Hekao as a priority target due to its military strength.

Articles under Barion Commonwealth