
The Kamaule are a type of Sase-Anor who resemble humanoid trees. Sometimes called Wood Nymphs by superstitious outsiders, they become rarer the farther one gets from their home region of Anorona.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

With a typical life expectancy of 160 years, the average Kamaule lives far longer than most other sapient sase-anor, also exceeding Human life spans. They also tend to grow a little taller than most humans at an average height of 1.5 Bars and a maximum height of 2 Bars. Despite this, their weights do not differ that much from humans with an average of 36 Cara. This is due to the lower density of their wood-like body.

Genetics and Reproduction

Kamaule go through fertility cycles, the length of which differs from individual to individual, though it last around 23 Turnings on average. Many sase-anore societies measure their age by the number of cycles they have gone through. Like most other Sase-Anor, all Kamaule are hermaphroditic, but once they come of age they begin to present as either male or female for each of their cycles. This is a choice they can make consciously, though they need to do so during the beginning period of their cycle.
While it is technically possible for them to reproduce asexually, it is extremely rare and seen as a taboo of the highest order by almost all societies of Kamaule.

Growth Rate & Stages

Like most other Sase-Anor, Kamaule germinate from a large seed the female produces, which is then planted in soil or mulch. Among Kamaule it is typical for both parents to take care of the seedling, especially while it is rooted. The newborn plantfolk uproots itself within 6 Bides. Kamaule typically come of age and have their first gendered cycle by their 16th to 17th cycle, which typically equates to around 24 years of age. Before this they lack any manner of identifying sexual characteristics though they may already choose to identify as a gendered individual.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kamaule are capable of a small amount of photosynthesis and are technically able to survive without food in stasis so long as they have access to sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. However this is far from enough nutrition to maintain their higher cognitive functions, and as such they consume food much like other races.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Kamaule share the broad strokes of facial features with humans. Their sclera and cornea share a color, though the cornea is typically of a more saturated hue. It is common for their noses to be less pronounced, than humans, with smaller nostrils.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Kamaule people are theorised to have originated in the trunk regions of the Tree of Anorah, but have long migrated to populate most of the canopy as well. In modern times they can be found all across the Sky, with communities forming in almost all significant population centres. However they remain relatively rare, especially far away from their home region.

Average Intelligence

Despite prejudice claiming the contrary being widespread, Kamaule have an intelligence comparable to that of humans. They do however tend to struggle with complex mathematical and algorithmic thinking. However their above average memory makes them good medics, chroniclers, linguists, and educators.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The lack of a pupil does not seem to impact their color vision, the spectrum of which includes ultraviolet light, though they struggle to differentiate between many red and orange hues.
They have similar hearing and olfactory perception to humans, though they are typically less sensitive to touch and pain.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Like all Sase-Anor, Kamaule make excellent hosts for Fae Root. In many communities, nearly 100% of the population are carriers, and it is often seen as a positive trait.
Average Height
1.2-1.8 bars
Average Weight
32-40 cara
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Barklike shades of brown, green, sometimes red tints.
Geographic Distribution