
The Kworrans are a kind of humanoid sentient Petria, with hulking, dense frames. Their skin rashes from red, to amber, to yellow earthy tones, and rocks emerge from their skin on their backs, head, and to a lesser extent, the rest of their bodies. Like some other Petrian races, they are extremely long lived, though only if they lead very sedentary lifestyles. Some are known to only move ever few years, decades, even centuries.


Of course not a description of all Kworrans, but as a whole they tend to be rock-like not only in appearance, but in temperament as well, being known as stubborn, lazy, unyielding, and hard headed, but also fiercly patient, thick-skinned, and reliable. Even the most mean spirited among the Kworrans would be perceived as gentle by many other species. They are misidentified as dimwitted and slow, but that is often not the case. When a kworran is however put in a situation with which they do not agree, such as their companions being threatened, there is little that can stop them.


Beyond their near agelessness, they are extraordinarily resilient as their rocky hide protects them from harm. They are also uniquely capable of tucking and rolling with almost incredible precision and also somehow accelerate while they roll. They are allegedly also able to communicate with stone, though this particular ability remains unconfirmed.