
Rockbones are Humans who have just slight amounts of Petran heritage. They come about from a union between a humanoid Petria and a human, where the Petran undergoes the transmogrification necessary. Otherwise, at least one parent having Rockbone genes. Generally they are seen as more sturdy than regular humans, though also tend towards shorter statures. While not being able to produce the actual rocks their ancestors could, their skin is also rougher and tougher than that of other humans. Beyond this, they seem to have a natural talent for stonework. Some say they're able to speak with stone similar to how Sase-Anor speak with plants, but that is a myth. While not uncommon, they, alongside other human subspecies, are greatly outnumbered by the the common Homo Sapiens.

Basic Information


Rockbone Humans share most of their physical traits with their parent species. The main notable difference comes in their build and skin. On average Rockbones tend to be quite a bit shorter than regular humans, standing quite a bit shorter than a Bar. Their figure is also stockier, with a broad frame. Their skin is rougher, callusing much easier. On the inside they are just as hardy, commonly being less prone to suffering from disease or intoxication.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Rockbone humans need just as many daily calories as humans 0.5b taller than them. Stereotypes suggest that they are gluttonous and enjoy stuffing themselves. They are also believed to have a penchant for drink of alcoholic nature, as they are capable of inbibing an unbelievable volume before losing their wit. While both may certainly apply to great many Rockbones, they are best left as stereotypes.
If you wish to play a Rockbone Human in one of my campaigns, use Dwarf features.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens Petrus
Average Height
0.75 - 1 b

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents: