Spellbinding Devices

Spellbinding devices are machines of metal and bolts, pipes and steam, crystals and electricity which are constructed in the Commonwealth of Gailesburgh. They often take the form of large gauntlets or long staves, primarily made of brass. Those who make spellbinding devices are known as spellsmiths, and the ones who use it are known as spellbinders. They are technological marvels allowing for just about anyone with or without asaeic talent to cast magic, though it does requires some understanding of the device's operation. Spellbinders are also often able to maintain their devices, if they are not spellsmiths themselves.


Being a spellbinder is not cheap. The device itself already demands a pretty penny, as does its maintenance. Additionally, a binder must power their device for most effects they might wish to produce. The exact fuel or material required varies from device to device, but it is generally not cheap either. In addition, devices are not light. If using a staff, one usually requires both hands, to use it effectively. It is possible to hold it in one, but one must generally keep both hands free as a precaution. When using a gauntlet or similar wearable device, one requires a certain athletic build to use it effectively.


Spellbinding can be used to produce a wide range of effects, from conjuring of fire, lightning, or other military applications, to the higher studies of the arcane. However vast the applications might be, the Lesser devices, commonly typical goods enhanced with spellbinding technology, are quite common among relatively well-off households. These range from simple stoves and water fountains to cleaning devices. In the military they are primarily used as weapons and as support for infantry.
Access & Availability
Spellbinding devices are common in the Gailesburgh military, and there are regiments entirely consisting of spellbinders. These are however quite heavily regulated, spellbinders are generally assigned manifestations preprepared rather than being able to bind their own, though they are trained to do so in emergencies. Outside of the military, the technology is quite rare, and one requires a license to keep and operate one in Gailesburgh. This, in combination with classism and rampant bureaucratic sprawl, translates into the noble and wealthy being able to quite easily acquire one, and the common folk deal with them in black markets.