Ice Sprites Species in Skydwellers | World Anvil
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Ice Sprites

Sprites are one of the most mysterious creatures in the sky. Their first appearances are correlated almost directly with the end of the Ashes War. It's unclear what their origins are, or how they came about. Most theories speculate that all sprites are tied to the elements, but as they're so rare, it's unclear how true that is.   Ice sprites are cousins of water sprites, and some of the most common sprites in existence. Unlike the possibly unreal lightning sprites, or the extremely seclusive and defensive water sprites, ice sprites are more common, and much less dangerous. They're relatively harmless, incapable of speech, and seem to enjoy pulling practical jokes and flying around in the cold rather than drowning unsuspecting travelers.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Ice sprites found in the coldest currents of the Outer Realm, often flitting around in blizzards and snowstorms. They're tiny, almost humanoid creatures that seem to find perpetual joy in the ice and snow. They've been sighted dwelling at the tips of mountain ranges, burrowing in blizzard clouds, and perching in the vast boreal forests, always in the coldest spot.   One of the most common places that the ice sprites have been spotted is the Snowroost mountains. It's not surprising, considering the mountain range is one of the tallest in the sky, and many of their peaks are covered in snow and ice. They also gather steady snowfalls, which the sprites must enjoy.   It's unclear whether the sprites are a byproduct of the cold or the cause of it. Whichever one, if someone is cold, they'll almost always be present, and their touch is freezing to even the toughest of scales.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

"She - I think it was a she - didn't reply to me. All she did was fly around, laughing and giggling and smiling at me like I was about to get a huge pile of snow dumped on my head. Admittedly...she was right."
-a Charter
Most ice sprites seem to be incapable of speech, or of comprehending complicated concepts. Their defining characteristic is that they love the snow and the cold. They seem to be more personifications of blizzards rather than actual sentient beings, and only one Charter has ever held even the smallest of conversations with a sprite.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As sprites, the ice sprites do hold quite a bit of magic in their tiny hands. In one rare sighting, a huge group of sprites gathered together to summon a small flurry of snow. They can freeze water, create ice and frost, and it's not uncommon for a wandering Charter to find small ice sculptures as they're wandering through evergreen forests.   The entirety of ice sprite magic hasn't yet been recorded, and they're the subject of great interest of Charters, especially as they endeavor to discover mroe about sprites.
Scientific Name
Glacies Spiritus
Infinite? Can they die?
Geographic Distribution
Solely in the Outer Realm
Yes, there's a sprite cluster here.

Ice sprites, living in the extreme cold, can be mistaken for large snowflakes. They're humanoid, with crystalline snowflake wings and frosted clothing. The largest ones have been recorded at about three inches tall, with the smallest ones as only one inch.    One of the most common observations of the sprites is their seemingly perpetual energy. Rather like a cold breeze than a living organism, they don't seem to need to consume any food, rest, or sleep to keep themselves going. Their faces seem to be frozen in laughter, and their voices have been reported to sound something like icicles clinking together.


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