A mountain range surrounded by magical life that marks the gateway to the Outer Realm.
A wildscape of history, magic, and danger.
A large building that feels very small, very quaint, and very old, and yet is still steeped into the very core of Skydweller history.
"The City of Wonders? Why, it's only the greatest and grandest place in the world!"
Day. Night. Help. Harm. Do you dare risk entering the lighthouse? It is not for sailors of faint heart, after all.
A city abandoned, rediscovered, then lost and rediscovered at the same time.
A Charter's home away from home.
A small town at the edge of the Inner Realm that just happens to have them good old fantasy mushrooms.
The foundation of the world. The places that Skydwellers call home.
A symbol of the City of Wonders, often seen at the front of pamphlets and posters advertising its architectural marvels.