Luminan Lynx Species in Skydwellers | World Anvil
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Luminan Lynx

Today, we were paid a visit by a group of Luminian Lynxes. It seems ironic that in the face of so much death and shadow, we are visited by creatures of hope and light - and just at the time when we need to mourn. But the Generals are taking it as a sign, and omen - attack now, and luck will be with you.   At least the animals' visits seem to be cheering up my friends. I actually got to pet - is pet the right word? I'll use touch - touch one of them. Her fur was so soft. She stared at me with such knowing and curious eyes, that for a moment, I forgot about all my fear. Perhaps our leaders of right - perhaps if we attack, we may find victory, once and for all.
-from the journal of a Skydweller soldier, just before the Thunder Battle


Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Lynxes, like Skydwellers, are highly adaptive, and with their special coats can live in almost any environment that they wish. Most are found in the forests of the Outer Realm, though a few have been spotted in spans and caverns.

Genetics and Reproduction

Luminian Lynxes are one of the few animals that mate for life. They have litters of 2-3 kittens roughly every two years. The females are pregnant for a total of eight months, and, contrary to most other species, the kittens are born (still small and frail) but with the ability to hear and see. It takes roughly three years before they are fully grown, and four before they are able to reproduce.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The lynxes are omnivores, eating everything from roots to leaves to insects to small birds and fish. Though they are capable of fighting and defeating animals almost five times their size, they tend to stick to smaller meals, eaten frequently throughout the day.


From the few sightings of Luminian Lynxes that people have experienced, there are two specific traits that they describe the most - curiosity and determination. Though not sapient, the lynxes are a very intelligent species, and most (especially the younger ones) seem eager to learn about the world around them, though they will fiercely protect their own. It was once believed that the lynxes are attracted to beings and places with strong magic, explaining why they live in the Outer Realm.


The kitten - it had to be a kitten, since there was no way it was an adult - blinked its big, round eyes at her, which still shone green in the moonlight. Its paws were either very large or had a large amount of fluff around its ankles. Its fur was dappled black and green and light blue, which was an odd combination of colors. Its long ears were tufted at the ends, and already there was a small wisp of hair on its chin. It meowed plaintively, the sound ringing out.   Surely there wasn’t anything like this in the Inner Realm. But then…could it be from the Outer Realm? The creature meowed again. There was a small gash on its side, from which the same silvery-green liquid slowly dripped. It must’ve been blood.   Oh, poor thing.


Additional Information

Social Structure

From what scientists have been able to observe, Luminian Lynxes are extremely social animals with intricate social classes - from the leaders to the hunters to the sentries, caretakers, navigators, and underlings. They live in social groups of about fifteen to twenty-five lynxes at a time, though some individual families have been observed.


Considering that the one (and only) attempt to peacefully capture, study, and possibly domesticate a lynx ended in exactly three and a half deaths, domestication is completely out of the realm of possibility - and even thought. Though there are a few mentions of a smaller clan in the eastern regions who had managed to tame and live with a few of the lynxes, they have certainly perished in the Ashes War, and their secret of domestication has been lost. Though they may be peaceful at times, Luminian Lynxes are still very wild animals, and can be vicious fighters when slash comes to pounce, so most people generally tend to leave them alone.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Aside from their exceptional senses, it was once rumored that a few of the lynxes were able to view the future, divine a person's intentions, and even give blessings of wisdom and knowledge. Despite the small amount of lynxes who still have this power - or even the question of whether or not the powers are simply a myth - the hourglass- shaped symbol associated with these Wise Ones still represents knowledge and is even stamped onto many important government documents.

Scientific Name
Lynx Lucidum
Roughly 15 years
Conservation Status
Once fairly common, the Luminian Lynxes are now rare. Whether this is because they were once hunted with extreme precision or they are now more seclusive is unknown - though biologists speculate it may be the latter. Although hunting may have made a dent in their population, the lynxes can be very hard to tail and track if they wish, and can gauge the intent of other beings fairly well. This was why, in past times (when Skydwellers and lynxes used to live much closer to each other) a few of the bolder lynxes had no problem approaching even dragons, so long as they felt safe. So, although no one is quite sure what their population number is, their are fairly certain that there is no need to give them any special protection - especially since lynx hunting is no longer a thing.
Average Height
3 feet (roughly 1 meter)
Average Weight
50 lbs
Average Physique
Lean and muscular
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The fur of a Luminian Lynx is one of their most distinctive markings, and their furs were once highly prized and fiercely sought. Especially during their youth, their fur shifts to match their environment - from black to gray to brown to even a few light blues and greens.
Geographic Origin and Distribution
Across the Outer Realm


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