Celestial Form Species in Slaitoraph | World Anvil
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Celestial Form (Celestia Immaculatus)

It is possible for Stellumin to enter this state, but they're much weaker than Fell Star Celestials, as Stellumins only have a fraction of a core within them. They're also colourless, so just their colour scheme is just greys and whites.

Basic Information


They typically have normal humanoid limbs, but they could have a few extra pairs of arms. By default, they have 2 but they could "split" their arms a few times to have up to 8 arms. These extra arms can be disjointed and free-floating, or actually attached to their torso. They don't typically have extra legs.   A skeleton from one of these guys would be pretty much just that of a human but with different proportions. This entails longer limbs, longer and thinner torsos, pronounced hip bones, and sometimes rather bony ankles.   Celestials have ichor within their blood. If the FS has ichor already, the Celestial will have even more than the FS usually has. (Arion, who already has ichor in his blood, would have even more in his Celestial form.)   Their skin is typically a lustrous monochrome colour, ranging from alabaster to an onyx. They can have a pearlescent sheen, but that's usually only found in very light shades. Their colour in this form has no correlation with their actual skin colour since their flesh isn't human. Their skin will have their Illuminated markings as normal, but there may also be constellation/night sky patterns appearing on some parts of their body. If a Celestial's skin is lacking its lustre, then it's either incomplete or it's just been "out" for a very long time. (Like it's collected dust/gotten beaten up).

Biological Traits

If you chopped of one of their limbs while the form is active, the limb wouldn't regrow. But once the form deactivates back into the Cor Coelestus, their dead limb will be reabsorbed. Once the Celestial form comes out again, the limb will be attached again.   Celestials also bleed ichor. Once the Celestial form is retracted, the spilt blood would remain, but the ichor will begin to decay, just leaving the blood as normal red blood.

Genetics and Reproduction

There's no purpose for them to reproduce because they're not naturally occuring biological states. (A Celestial form could stay active for a very long time, but they couldn't reproduce like that.)

Growth Rate & Stages

They grow to around 8-11x the height of the Fell Star. (So Arion would be about 60ft tall in his Celestial form)

Ecology and Habitats

They technically don't have a specific "ideal" environment since they haven't evolved to live anywhere in specific. That being said, they can survive in very extreme environments, like high up in the cold mountains, volcanoes, or even close to the edge of the atmosphere. Basically a lot of places that regular mortals couldn't go.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

More often than not, parts or all of their faces are covered by a veil or blindfold that naturally forms with them. The design on the veil will typically resemble their markings.   Beneath the veil, their faces aren't quite like that of a human. They still have human eyes, but they're larger and just glow white. There's no visible detail in their eye. When they're in their animalistic state, their mouth will "crack open" and open like an Evangelion mech's mouth. (For reference)   Back in full control of themselves, they could sort of "will" their face to look more normal, or just restore it back to how it was before their mouth cracked open. They don't have a specific need for a mouth since they can communicate telepathically, but if their mouth is out, they could use it to speak.

Average Intelligence

They come from a human psyche, but it's hard to actually tell because when they're initially formed, they're overloaded with power so they're in a sort-of animalistic state. They can come out of it and behave normally after a bit.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They can see even though it doesn't look like they can (no pupils). If they do regain conscious thought after coming out of their animalistic state that they usually emerge in, they can communicate telepathically. They do not usually appear to have mouths.   Some of them appear blindfolded or with veils that cover their faces. This occurs for no real reason. When this happens, they are able to "see" through Arcane perception, just like with the Red Beast.   Celestial beings also have default arcane manipulation equivalent to an Archsage. If they do magic, the spells they cast are rather instinctual based on that Fell Star's abilities. They can't do anything complicated, but what they can do is always perfected (e.g. summoned icicles to shoot at people are always perfectly geometric).

Civilization and Culture


Anything with a Cor Coelestus is able to activate their Celestial form. Xenos (the Arcanist) and Thanatos (Death) have/had Celestial forms but there have been no recorded events when they utilized these forms. The Stellumin have used their Celestial forms in combat against mortals back in Pharostial, but there are again no records of that.   The Silent Ones do not have Celestial forms because they don't have Cor Coelesti, so they're not true "divinity" in the sense of having a Cor Coelestus.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Caelestia Immaculatus
Average Height
Average Weight
About 1-2 tonnes?
Average Length
idk what this is referring to tbh but their hair length typically grows to about 25-30ft. (on average, half their size)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their markings are more extreme versions of their usual markings. Their skin is naturally incredibly lustrous like tumbled hematite, but it can be any colour that's not flesh-coloured. (So typically like alabaster white/ash grey/jet black, or a varying shade of their 'colour'.)

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