Fell Star Species in Slaitoraph | World Anvil
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Fell Star

Fell Stars are people that fall into Slaitoraph when they wish for their life to change.   Arcanism Records First World Records   Crimson (Red): The End. Only appears once in a thousand years or so. They're recorded as being very hard to kill.  Actually represent a rebirth but often can't achieve anything because they're killed before they can actually do anything usually. Have a tie to emotion.    Gold (Yellow): Fire/war/gold. Typically heralds a massive fire or is a war hero. OFSs typically enter as young children and grow up. May be responsible for fire nymphs.   Viridescent (Green): Healing, plentifulness. They are very often saints because of their healing abilities. They can replenish energy and bring things back to homeostasis. They are able to manipulate cells. Also very capable at killing and making things look like natural causes.    Aqua (Cyan): Water/Ice/Rebirth They are typically harbingers for something to calm down. They can mark the end of a war or can signal a really shit harvest. You can try and predict it with logic, but it's hard to tell.  Associated with Winter. May be responsible for water and ice nymphs.   Azure (Blue): Ascendance. Blue can anoint new gods who can then compete for a seat amongst the Silent Ones. These ones are also usually hard to kill. They're often very closely related to the Red Fell Star. Have another tie to emotion. They are not perfect like people believe them to be.   Magenta (Purple): Non-Arcane Power They also typically bring new technology and will discover more of how Slaitoraph works. They can generate electricity and spearhead new discoveries of technology. They are quite uncommon.    Rose (Pink): Muse/Love Typically spearhead new art forms/become very successful in the arts.  They're somewhat anomalous as they deal more on the side of emotions and abstract concepts. They're quite common.   Silver:  The Beginning There are no records of this colour ever descending.  Has only ever descended once before recorded time in this civilization. The Arcanist is actually the Silver Fell Star.    Grey: The End There are still no records of this star. Once again only ever descended once. This was Thanatos when they were still alive. It instead merged with the Ocean of Lethe.

Basic Information


Outwardly have the same anatomy as a human, but their pupils are diamonds instead.

Biological Traits

They have entire-body markings that are individual to each FS. They are typically never activated as most Fell Stars never reach their full capacity as an Illuminated Star (it can happen though)

Genetics and Reproduction


Growth Rate & Stages

Depends on the amount of exposure they had to the Outerrealm as well as their colour. They can have sudden and rapid growth spurts depending on their environment.

Ecology and Habitats

Normal human environments.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Have regular human dietary needs but can go longer without food.

Biological Cycle

No hibernation or anything.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Depends on the colour and the person really.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Laspus Stella
Any race. Human.
Conservation Status
They are highly revered. (except red ones lmfao)
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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