Ciel Umbrine Character in Slaitoraph | World Anvil
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Ciel Umbrine (siːɛl əmbraɪn)

Master Ciel Vala Hriss- Umbrine


Doesn't have any bloodright artifacts like Arion does.


Associated with the Starfall Festival, but he isn't really celebrated or anything during it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Physically fit and healthy. Antithesis takes good care of his health, but his mental health is pretty shit.

Body Features

Diamond pupils. He's rather slender but is slightly broader than Arion in the end. He and Arion are both probably kinda describedly effeminate.

Facial Features

Canonically very pretty. Soft features that sharpen slightly with age.    His eyes are often than not downcast and absent. Never really seems to have a shine in them.

Identifying Characteristics

Blue/white hair and diamond pupils.

Special abilities

Ascension - Ability exclusive to Blue Fell Star    Has the ability to ascend people to godhood. For the process to be complete, they must drink the Ichor of another god. The Blue Fell Star must also be alive in the meantime. This ascended status can be removed.    God Tier support basically.      Eye of Nexa - Ability exclusive to Blue Fell Star and descendants   Arcane circles tap into outerrealm instead of existing Arcane Energy within the realm. This makes attacks much more amplified and expends much less energy at present.   Huge attack buff.     Arcane Mastery - Ability only in Fell Stars and descendants   Like weapon master, but he's good with magic instead.      Cryomancy - Ice manipulation (can be done by anyone with Arcane manipulation ability)    He's good at making ice cubes from thin air.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Distant parents. He never saw much of his father since his mother wasn't married when she had Ciel. She was a little distant due to working, so Ciel would often stay with his grandparents. He was closer with them than he was with his mother, he would say.


Interrupted high school education (up to Grade 11). Education continued but in the sense of learning the Arcane at some Vaerian institute. That's significantly harder though.


Technically held by Antithesis and sort of works for them. He is paid but he doesn't do anything with the money.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Did really well when he was still in school. Was also very quick to pick up Arcane manipulation because of intelligence and natural aptitude from being a Fell Star (exposure to Arcane Field as well as being a host of Nexa)

Mental Trauma

Got very traumatized watching Arion get skewered.   Not always but is subjected to some form of abuse from Antithesis in a way—I mean, he's essentially held captive by the people who killed his best friend. Some of them are nice to him, others are not  He still doesn't really like any of them, but he eventually comes around to liking a few on his own.

Morality & Philosophy

His morals can be a bit grey at times. He will go to great lengths for those he cares about — Arion and some other Antithesis girl he learns to open up to.  By great lengths I mean morally questionable shit.


Talk shit about Arion in front of him. He will beat your ass for it.

Personality Characteristics


Arion. And getting out.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good with intelligence-based stuff. Also adept in close-range combat.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Arion
  • Some particular food. 
  • Dislikes:
  • Antithesis
  • Guy who "killed" Arion - name tbd.
  • Virtues & Personality perks

    Intelligent, kind, polite, typically gentle natured.

    Vices & Personality flaws

    Doesn't care much for those he doesn't like.  Can be pretty ruthless if he gets crossed.  Doesn't form bonds well.


    Good? Idk, he's clean and keeps himself tidy.


    Contacts & Relations

    It was purposely kept that he doesn't have that much contact with anyone outside of Antithesis. He's essentially stuck in a cage.

    Religious Views

    His views more or less align with Antithesis in disliking the gods. Haven't decided if he knows about the curse of the RFS and BFS.


    Polite, reserved. Speaks casually.

    Wealth & Financial state

    Has his own money but he doesn't really do anything with it.
    Divine Classification
    Blue Fell Star
    Current Status
    Kept with Antithesis against his will
    Current Location
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Blue Fell Star
    16 in Act 0, 19 in Act I
    Date of Birth
    March 30th
    Current Residence
    Bright blue, slightly low-lidded, long eyelashes
    Tidy, white hair with blue tips and underside, typical anime bangs.
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale white boy lol
    5'8½ at 16, 6'2 at 19
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "Arion, don't." or something idk.
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations
    Known Languages
    English, Anoran, Common tongue.

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