Red Beast Species in Slaitoraph | World Anvil
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Red Beast

See The Ascent for more details on its history.

Basic Information


It is though to be quadrapedal as it crawl around on four limbs, but its skeletal structure suggests it's actually bipedal. Few people have actually seen it standing up properly.   Its body looks similar to a withered human's (long, gangly limbs). Its skin is grey and faded with very intricate red markings covering its entirety. It has white and red hair that resembles a mane. No one has actually seen its eyes because it has a veil the size of its face (it's attached to its horns).

Biological Traits

(idk where else to put this) There have been supposedly successful kills, but it always comes back. People have theorized that it's because there is more than one Red Beast, but every time there's only ever been one Red Beast recorded.

Genetics and Reproduction

Has no reproduction capabilties.

Growth Rate & Stages

It hasn't been recorded to look any different for over 1000 years.

Ecology and Habitats

It lives in the Tainted environment around Aurahida. It is a manifestation of hatred, anger and sorrow from the Red Fell Star that was killed on Aurahida, corrupting the surrounding area as a result.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It does not require food. It's a manifestation of the hatred imbued within the land, so it's not really alive. This also means that it will always come back so long as the hatred and sorrow remain on Aurahida mountain.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

It doesn't appear to have a face because it's covered by a veil. People have sometimes been able to see underneath the veil if it were blown off or removed in combat, and it's often described as being "uncanny". It's mouth is all weird, but it's eyes are very human-shaped. It appears to have markings similar to tear stains around its eyes.

Average Intelligence

Very minimal intelligence. It is very much like a threated animal—highly defensive, low intellect and very reactive.   It has been seen using objects as tools which suggests that it has some sort of intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Its vision is pretty crap but it has good smell, hearing and haptic sense. It senses primarily through the Arcane field on the mountain. If someone were to cast a choking spell, they would be able to limit the beast's senses a lot. It would become highly defensive in this state.   It is not common knowledge that it senses through the Arcane. Only arcane magicians would actually be able to tell this since they use the arcane to fight. Even then they'd have to figure it out. Since arcane magicians use a whole bunch of the Arcane, it becomes very easy for the Red Beast to pick them off since it knows where they are (and magic users often have shit defence).

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

It has used various objects as tools, such as uprooting a small tree to whack Ascent contestants with.


The 4th Red Fell Star that fell at Aurahida in pursuit of the Blue Fell Star. At the top, they left behind the sword of Thanatos, the sword with the power to kill a god. After they were killed, they had a supernova death, creating a blast that knocked all of their pursuers off the mountain and imbued the land with hatred and sorrow. The remnant creature is that star's Celestial form. It's incomplete, hence why it's more animalistic than normal and smaller than the usual Celestial.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

It hates all humans equally. It's actually quite peaceful with other animals like woodland creatures.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Coccinea Bestia
Conservation Status
Sometimes killed, but it comes back each time.
Average Height
30ft when standing up. Otherwise, 10ft tall when scuttling around.
Average Weight
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dark grey with red asymmetrical marking all over its body. It's missing its lustre.
Geographic Distribution

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