Reflection Geographic Location in Slaitoraph | World Anvil
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Around the rift, there is no land aside from various structures that poke up out of the water. Most often something like a sign pole or the ruined head/shoulder of a mech-ish sort of thing.   This is dependent on where you are. It is mainly a great expanse of water, but some places that were higher up like mountains have some land. The plants there aren't truly alive.   There's a shit ton of ruins floating around as well. Massive ruined, floating infrastructures can be found, but you'd have to walk a very long way to get there.


There isn't any real life here.

Localized Phenomena

The water seems to stretch on infinitely. Ruins of massive mechs lay half-submerged. Whenever someone arrives here, they are left to walk on water.

Fauna & Flora

No plants or animals.


The Old World and the original Slaitoraph. The current Slaitoraph is a reflection of that Slaitoraph, just like the other way around. There isn't a necessarily "true" Slaitoraph. They're two sides to the same coin, but this was where most of it began.   The water here doubles as the source of ichor that contains Thanatos. The blood of the Red Fell Star was spilt in the water. When moving to the other world and leaving Thanatos in the water in this world, it was essentially doubling as a sealing, because if Arion didn't land here when he first got kicked off the Landing, he would not have lived or regained the Ichor.


A couple of dumbasses might go down the sinkhole or something, but they just get sent back up by Rowan.
Alternative Name(s)
First World, Reverse World, Pharostial
Dimensional plane
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species

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