Shadow Raven Species in Slaitoraph | World Anvil
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Shadow Raven

Basic Information


They're just a solid mass of shadow.

Ecology and Habitats

Reflection. They are basically solid spirits, so they do not have any specific environment they live in.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Essentially harbingers of death. Also act kind of as accountants for death by keeping track of everyone's who has died. They carry the souls of the dead into the outerrealm, so that's a thing. They can also speak telepathically to Rowan.

Civilization and Culture


They are shadows of ravens that have always existed in the other world. They have the same level of intelligence as humans, but they are not hedonistic in nature and are not self-serving. They'll be social if they see each other, but they do not have a need for social interaction. They are grim reapers basically. But a bit cuter.
Scientific Name
Umbra Corvis
Conservation Status
Cannot be killed.
Geographic Distribution
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