Arulo Kedrisk Character in Sludge Cinematic Universe | World Anvil
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Arulo Kedrisk

Arulo: "Was she hot?"
Ruuch: "She had four arms."
Arulo: "I don't discriminate."
Palanthus: "Two arms were crystal."
Arulo: "I might discriminate"
- Arulo on the Archon
Arulo Kedrisk was a pirate who spent a stint with a band of survivors during the Darthas apocalypse. He didn't get on well with most of it's members, most notable clashing with Ruuch Caliban, who found pissing off the pirate to be particularly enjoyable, going so far as to name himself the captain of Arulo's ship, the Gannet.   In a shocking twist of fate that absolutely no one would see coming, Arulo and one of his crew, Faces, betrayed the group, by leading Usze'Taham into a trap set by Rashall, who ended up very nearly killing the lizardfolk, who was only saved by the sacrifice of his waifu warlock patron, Tempest'Lucia.   Arulo's goal was to find some kind of cure for a mysterious illness his sister was suffering, though he never mentioned this to the group's cleric, Raine.   He encountered the group one final time after his betrayal, where he and Rashall fought the group in the Shard Dimension. While Rashall battled the rest of the group, Arulo fought with Yash'ailaran, who ultimately knocked him unconscious for the remainder of the bout.   Eventually, Arulo returned defeated to his family home where he first killed his father, then put his now near-death sister out of her misery, before turning the pistol on himself.   Fuck that gets dark.

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