Crane's Hill Settlement in Sludge Cinematic Universe | World Anvil
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Crane's Hill

"The sister of Suuth'Kallos. She wants to give you something..."
-The mayor of Crane's Hill before his tree gives us some dope ass fruit
  Crane's Hill is a town in Kinnorath just north of Snowcake. As the group arrived, the town was in a bit of a state, having been recently taken over by a group of mercenaries known as the Frostbite. By the time they left, the town was closer to a smoldering wreck than a town, with most of its inhabitants deciding to make their way south to Snowcake.   This very quickly becomes a trend.   Crane's Hill had a pretty great ice cream parlor with a nice diverse array of flavours. In the mines the Frostbite were using as a base of operations, the group was able to find a great number of magic items - far more than you would assume from a simple mine. As well as this, the very final room of the mine held a tree, which the mayor (who was using it for shelter) referred to as the Sister of Suuth'Kallos. Because we're generally all round amazing people, the tree popped out some fruit for us to eat.   After a skirmish above ground the leader of the local Frostbite, a Tiefling woman calling herself Red was captured. In the greatest interrogation ever witnessed, Lucien and Ruyi get pranked, Dust tells her he never wants to hear her name again and gives her a stabbing for good measure, and then the group leaves her fucking cell door open and she escapes.

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