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Session 13: Tip the Scales

General Summary

Session nr.13 16/03/2022   Wednesday, 16 March 2022 19:15   The portal behind them closes, as the runes that surround it dissapear. The group finds themselves in complete darkness, and struggle to create some form of light. Silvio approaches Frederic, who is holding the diseased Cael in his arms. Silvio pulls out a large diamond and begins to speak some incantations, as the essence of life begins to fill Cael's body, reviving her. Frederic is overjoyed and thanks Silvio for bringing the love of his life back from the dead. Ruyi looks around and notices Dre is missing. The group explains what happened to him, and she demands they return to help him. The party, who saw how the portal to "The Lair" had broken along with the cave-in, try to tell her its futile but she doesn't budge and attempts to restore the portal. Silvio notices how the runes had dissapeared, making the portal unusable until they'd be restored. Ruyi attempts to make a sending to Dre to ask if he is alright, and she does get a response. "It is ok Ruyi, I am in a cage right now but I am ok. Thing says it will make me beautiful. See you soon."   Finn and Dust explore the darkened room they've found themselves in, and Finn finds a strange magical gate keeping them from leaving. He attempts to touch it with a broken arrow, which begins to burn the moment it touches the energy of the gate. With this new makeshift torch, he scans the edges only to find nothing. Dust also returns from checking every wall, claiming this is the only way out. Demise speaks to him in his mind, and says he is able to see through the dark. Dust takes his bow and fires an arrow through the gate, only to hear the sound of it hitting a wall. Demise then tells Dust something interesting. The book Ruyi is holding, is familiar to him. How he isn't sure yet, but it does spell bad news. Furthermore, when Dust takes Demise in his hands, the blade begins to change. Dust is in pain, but withstands it as Demise begins to change shape, becoming longer and sharper.   Finn, noticing this odd occurrence, asks Dust what's going on. Dust explains Demise is able to change when the wielder holds it long enough, and its also able to talk. Demise speaks to Finn, who is a little perplexed at this revelation. While Lucién and Guy sit in the back, still hurt from their last fight, they do note how them fighting a dragon in what felt like the underworld would make an amazing story to tell in the future. Then, a loud *thunk* is heard from behind the gate. Dust and Finn ready their weapons, as the darkness that surrounded them fades into light. In front of the gate stands a man, completely gold. The man introduces himself as Sol, and asks the party who they are and how they got here. Before that Dust demands to know where they are, and Sol explains they have travelled to the insides of the mountain Suuth'Kallos. This caused Finn to ease his stance and put away his weapons. Finn answers Sol's question, and explains everything from their quest from Snowcake all the way to Heilos' situation. Sol nods, and begins to call the group "Soul kin".   Sol claims the cell they are currently in was made to capture whatever was beyond the portal they entered from. Although he believes their story, he does wish to test their morality. He conjures up a golden scale, upon which the head of a winter wolf lies. A balanced individual, although it kills to feed, nature commits its own atrocities. One by one, he will take the souls of the group's members and place them upon the scale to measure how they stand on the spectrum against this wolf. The party obliges, and the tests are made. Lucién's is slightly heavier, Silvio is much lighter, Finn is perfect in the middle. Ruyi is slightly lighter, Haarin's goes down, and Guy's soul dips all the way down, quite bad. May is the same as Silvio, surprisingly. Dust however, refuses to place his soul on the scale. The group is allowed to pass except Dust. Finn brings up Dust's philosophy that he told him back in Treff. "The path you must follow may not be the one you desire to". This prompts Dust to oblige (though with pushback), and when his soul is placed on the scale, it drops with significant speed, revealing Dust to have done unspeakable things in his past. Despite this, Sol lets the man free. Once all have passed through, Ruyi asks Sol if he can reactivate the portal so she can save Dre. Sol, unmoved, tells her she'd need the runes for it, which he himself doesn't know. Angered and saddened, Ruyi tells the party off. Dust brings up how perhaps Jim, who according to her is in a cage similar to Dre. She does and gets a response which comes down to "Wait until you sleep, then we can speak in your dream".   Sol guides the group to a few resting chambers where they can sleep. As they do, Finn stays outside and asks Sol more about Suuth'Kallos. Sol explains many who have wronged the world are locked up here within the mountain. Suuth'Kallos itself may seem to be resting, however Sol trusts Finn enough to say that isn't necessarily true. The mountain is "concentrating", not sleeping. Sol is aware of Finn's encounter with a certain beast. This beast was not one of the prisoners however. Finn reveals the ring, explaining how he most likely gave up his memories of his tribe to learn how to release something that is sealed within it. Sol takes a look at it, but claims he himself is not knowledgeable on items such as these, however he does know someone who is. Right in front of Finn, Sol seems to almost transform into someone else, a purple woman by the name of Måne. She takes a look at the ring, and says she can't fully deduce what it is, however it gives her the same "vibes" as the creatures of The Abyss do. These creatures are referred to as Errano. Those creatures surround God's Haven and are what makes entering so difficult. She furthermore explains how within God's Haven is something the Founders wished to use as a weapon. This weapon would absorb Joran's power so they could use it for themselves. The Errano work for the Raven with another smaller group called the Drathkeer also known as The Qulvo by some. These two groups allied with Joran and with their Queen to destroy the founders. After leaving God's Haven there were only a few founders left alive. These few gave up the goals of the others founders and in some cases like Mer (the founder who returned to bring civilisation to Kinnorath e.g. Snowcake) even helped Joran. After all the conflict, a few more things happened and the Queen simply disappeared leaving a new king in charge, however he and Joran did not get along so well so they lost communication. Finn thanks her for her time and trust, and goes to bed to think upon all the things that he was just told.   Within her dream, Ruyi meets up with Jim once more. She asks if he'd know any way to save Dre. Jim goes down all his spells that may be able to help them find out where he is, however Ruyi either lacks the components or the skill to perform any of them. Jim asks if she has any allies that can draw Dre for her, and Ruyi says she does. Jim first makes a few jabs at her lack of options, telling her she should expand her horizons and try other schools of magic. He then says he can help the most once he is no longer locked up in the underworld. Ruyi promises she will look for the crystal as soon as possible, and free him. The next morning Dust asks Ruyi if she had a dream with Jim again. She explains how she failed to find a way to save Dre, other than releasing Jim or perhaps getting a drawing of Dre. Dust says he will draw Dre for her. Happy that he is willing to help, she goes in for a hug, temporarely forgetting how Dust feels unbelievably uncomfortable being hugged. After the hug, Demise speaks once more in Dust's mind. He remembered the name of his father. Benevolence. He then notes the black book Ruyi has contains Malevolence.   As the group wander the halls of Suuth'Kallos, they discuss their next move. Finn explains that were they to exit the mountain on the south side, they'd be able to reach the valley he came from, thereby giving him a chance to find his tribe. Furthermore, he could show Ruyi a few caverns that hold the crystals she'd need. From the valley, they could travel to Klum for Silvio or first visit The Everglade for May. He explains that The Brjalao should no longer be around as a threat, and even if they were to have returned, they'd be no match for the party. Dust wonders if there is a faster way out other than walking through caves hoping to find an exit. There is, as they are approached by Måne. She offers to transport them, but does wish to speak to Finn in private for a moment.   She pulls the Lizardfolk aside, and asks him how capable he considers himself and his allies. Finn says he thinks of himself as capable, referring to how they've defended Snowcake as well as Treff, along with all their other victories. Måne nods, and offers him a necklace with a key. She explains how there's something the founders made long ago. They didn't want it locked up within Suuth'Kallos as the mountain is already holding so many. Instead, this creature was locked up somewhere else, far away. It's locked away with a "door" that requires multiple keys to unlock. One with Suuth'Kallos, one in Heilos, one in The Everglade and lastly the ring Finn is wearing is one as well, something she didn't realise before. Finn asks about the one in Heilos, and she explains underneath the throne located in the main building, there should be a follower of the Raven who not only has one, but also knows more about the creature. Måne says releasing and killing the beast may not be the best idea or what Suuth'Kallos would want, but it's worth a shot.   Finn returns to the group and they once again debate on what to do. Despite all the things they need to do up north, there are still some things they've left behind in Heilos, such as all their camp supplies, the Anrar cart, as well as the cultist villagers. Frederic and his crew wish to return there as well. After a long back and forth, the party decide to return to Heilos first. Måne turns back into Sol, and after he instantly warps them away, they find themselves in front of the building where the cultists were praying. Finn wishes to enter, explaining he has been tasked with finding keys and defeating a new monster. The party claim releasing a monster that was sealed away for so long is a horrible idea, however Finn is stubborn in doing what the agents of Suuth'Kallos asked him to do. They all decide to tag along aside from Frederic and his crew, and go inside. Underneath the throne is a trap door, and Finn enters. The rest follow suit, and they find themselves in what feels like a prison or dungeon. There within a cell, a figure begins to move. It is a man in rather noble clothing, however they are old and torn. Finn asks if he is the raven follower, and the man replies "one of many".   Finn explains his cause and shows the key. The Raven follower understands, and hands him the key he guarded. Finn asks what he knows about the creature, and the follower explains how it's a mixture of a founder and a creature from The abyss. The founders took one of the higher ups and did experiments on him in an attempt to improve him. The creature that ended up being made once used to be smart, but its brain has deteriorated over the many years. It is trapped within a cave north of Furanei, a little past Suuth Kallos, all the way at the edge of the known world. These keys will ward off the incantations that keep it in place. Suuth'Kallos is struggling with those who are locked up inside him, and so taking one off his hands would be a good thing. However were they to release it and fail to kill it, disaster is sure to follow. Finn thanks the follower for his wisdom, and takes his leave. The rest following, not saying a word.   Once outside, the group finds Frederic's crew alongside quite a sorry sight. The cultists that left the village have all been murdered. All except for one, who looks upon Lucién. Lucién casts tongues to speak with him again and asks what happened. "Why... Why me?" the man replies. Lucién learns that they didn't actually kill the monster down below, and it came back for them, killing all aside from this man. Instead, he made him immortal in order to suffer for eternity, as the man displays by taking a dagger and stabbing himself in his throat, blood spewing out over Lucién, only for the man to get back up and the would to heal. Lucién tells him he will try to help, however the man refuses his efforts. Angered and in distress, the man departs towards the woods, leaving poor Lucién behind. He failed to protect them. The sorcerer stands there in silence.   Frederic and his crew decide to move ahead towards Klum, as the party stays behind for a little while. After another discussion and realisation that returning to Heilos was a bad idea for them, they choose to follow behind Frederic's group however now at a significant distance. As they travel silently for the rest of the day, they choose a spot beside the road and set up camp. As they sit around the fire, Ruyi tries to scry for Dre but she gets no connection. Finn asks Silvio to have a look at the hook he traded long ago with 234. Silvio takes the hook in hand, but can't determine anything from it. He suggests Finn asks the magic casters for help instead. Finn says he'll check up with Ruyi, but not now as she seems still distressed over Dre. Ruyi meanwhile senses Ukhbran, her book, who was oddly quiet while they were in Suuth'Kallos.   Ukhbran says he was trying to hide himself from those within the mountain out of fear they'd sense him, claiming most of him is still "in" Suuth'Kallos. He notes Ruyi's current emotional state, and offers his assistance in form of getting into her mind and stop her from feeling sad. He can get rid of all the emotions that make her feel bad or down, and only leave those that make her feel good. Ruyi says she's not too comfortable with the idea of him being inside her head, however Ukhbran says he is already in there and can technically do whatever he wants. He whispers how the group are not truly her allies, but Ruyi denies that. She ponders his deal for a bit, asking for more time to think. She follows it up with a question, asking if she should stay away from Suuth'Kallos. "Oh no, the opposite." Ukhbran replies.   After some time, Ruyi makes her decision and attempts to sneak away into the woods, clamping onto the book. Everyone notices this however. Finn explains to Silvio her running is normal as she has her needs of blood from time to time. Silvio is confused, and so Finn explains Ruyi was a Dhampir this entire time. Dust telepathically asks Demise if he should give chase, and Demise tells him to do so. He succesfully sneaks after her. Ruyi didn't go very far, and Dust stays just on the edge so he can hear her. He overhears her speaking to her book about how he will take away her tiring emotions, making her forget about all the people she's lost and the sorrow it has caused. Upon hearing that, Dust emerges from the shadows and stops Ruyi. She asks why he's here, and Dust explains he was following her. He advises against her plan, claiming pain and loss define you as much as love and happiness do. Getting rid of them removes one's humanity. Ruyi claims she was never human, and is a monster that must live eternally with these losses. She believes Dre to be dead after her failed Scry, and simply wants to feel better again. Dust says if she wishes to, she should work towards feeling better instead of erasing herself like that.   Dust reiterates the things Jim asked her, saying there's still a chance to save Dre. Dust tells her he has lost much in his life too, but is still trying to better himself through his acts. They should continue on Dust says... until suddenly a dark smoke emerges from the book. Ukhbran begins to speak, and tells Ruyi Dust is attempting to "torture" Ruyi by forcing her to endure her feelings rather than erase them. He tries to lure Ruyi back into his deal, and it's working. Dust now speaks directly to the book, and they have a back and forth of who is in the right here. After a whole debacle, Ruyi intervenes, causing them both to be quiet. Dust tells her despite everything they may say, the choice is up to her, not the book. Ruyi brings up how Dust is similar to her, influenced by his sword Demise. The book then barges into the conversation again, telling Dust he is a pompous prick who acts like a hero.   Dust offers to hold onto the book for her and give her a night to think it over. Ruyi aggressively refuses him, believing he will destroy the book if she gave it to him. Another reason Ruyi wishes to keep the book, is because she sees him as a teacher figure. She's been in need of one for a long time after the loss of the Headmistress. Dust asks her if she's aware of all the stories about individuals who were knowledgeable through a higher power, and what happened to them. Ruyi thinks about it, then quickly picks up on what Dust means. In the past, many powerful sorcerers and wizards have either dissapeared, died from their own experiments, or were flat out murdered. Ruyi claims she will not be like them, and simply wishes to teach others the power she'd get from this book of Ukhbran. Dust asks her if knowledge is worth her giving away her emotions.   He continues his warnings, telling her she should know that whatever this Ukhbran is, it is clearly not the book but the warlord that is speaking to her. Dust mentally asks Demise if together, they'd be able to destroy the book and save Ruyi. Demise claims he'd have a good shot. As Ruyi's eyes dart from the book to Dust, Dust holds out a hand. Ruyi is about to hand over the book, but at the last moment pulls back, which prompts Dust to immediatly draw Demise and strike at the book. "I'm sorry, this is for your own good!" he says, as the now more powerful Demise is engulfed in blue flames. As he swings, Demise begins to laugh; "Holy shit, I remembered Uncle Mevvy!" the blade says. "NO! That name is LOST TO TIME!" the book retorts. Ruyi screams at Dust to stop, and casts Slow upon him. Her screams are heard by the others at camp, and they quickly get into action. As they reach the opening, they see Ruyi running with a smoking book in hand, the same smoke that is now attacking Dust. Silvio orders the group to split up, Haarin, Finn and Lucién after Ruyi while Guy and himself keep Dust at bay. As Ruyi dashes further into the woods, her screams begin to attract the monsters that lurk in the dark...
Report Date
29 Mar 2022

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