Session 9: Grudge Match Report in Sludge Cinematic Universe | World Anvil
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Session 9: Grudge Match

General Summary

Session nr.9 16/02/2022   Wednesday, 16 February 2022 19:02   The front door of the Tuhuru Bharisk opens and in the doorway stands Mukrask herself. The entire tavern stares in awe at their legendary warrior, as she approaches our heroes. She orders an Ale and those behind the bar scatter to quickly serve her what they have. She takes off her helmet, and reveals she is a blue tiefling, with both horns cut off. One of her eyes vaguely glows golden yellow. The other is scarred, and white. Finn introduces himself, as he was the only one who hadn't met her yet. Mukrask has thought of Lucién's words and has decided its best to call upon The Glaciers to escort them to Snowcake. Dust tells her they are planning to head up to Klum and send Glaciers, but it seems they have already contacted them. They will be there in two weeks. After finishing her drink, she bids them goodbye and heads off.   The group talks a little, Dust inquiring Haarin some more about the Bloodworthe guard James, who resembled him, wether or not they should go get horses, how many times they've run into things that are larger than they're supposed to, etc. On that last note Dust says they've might been using stilts, which makes Guy theorise he might have been in the circus at some point. After all of that, they talk of their future plans. They take out the Map and debate whether to go to Klum or not. They decide they will, but skip over Red Heath as after it was attacked, there is nothing to be found there. Finn points out they'll pass by Suuth'Kallos. They pack up theirs things and head to their rooms to sleep. Ruyi barricades her closet and front door, most likely to protect her from whatever was in the vision she shared with Dust and Lucién earlier that day. Dust speaks with Demise once more, and asks more about his "sister", Till's Scythe. He doesn't remember the name, but Dust asks if her "price" is the same, referring to the nightmares Demise gives him. Demise claims it depends on the bond. Dust asks if the price will always be there, but Demise is unsure.   At midnight, a polite knock is heard on the front door. Dust opens one eye, then moves slowly to the front door of the tavern. It is dark outside, so despite his Darkvision Dust can't see who knocked. He opens the door after about 20 seconds, and sees the Teacher. Dust lets him in and gets his only 2 copper out, placing it on the counter and gets two Ale for them. Dust tells him they've decided not to leave May here, but the Teacher claims he wishes to talk about Dust himself. He points to the mark on his face. He tells him he got it on the day of a pillage. He was on a "business meeting" there. He tells him he was aware of the group that enjoyed to disfigure their targets. He then looks at Dust, and tells him he remembers him from that day. He however doesn't seem angry. He brings up how Dust might be making amends for what he did in his past. He does warn the monk however that if what he's doing is all a ruse, he will stop him. Dust tells him if he must, then he should. He himself couldn't stop them, so he must pay for it. The teacher tells him he shouldn't look at it in such a way. Instead of feeling sorry, he should instead act upon it and try to set things right. Dust says some might be too far gone. The teacher says he once felt the same, until he came to Treff. Dust says he hasn't changed since that day, but the man protests, claiming he's still changed for the better. With that he leaves.   Very early in the morning, Dust spots Guy getting out at 5 am. He asks what he's doing and he claims he's gotten so used to getting up early, that now he's simply going to go outside as he needs to find something to do. He asks if Dust will come along, and surprisingly he does! Together they go out. As they wander the still quiet and empty streets of Treff, Dust suggests meditation to Guy, but Guy finds it too boring for his liking. Eventually they stop at a large building with "Dojo" written on it in Treffian. Guy wants to go in and Dust doesn't protest. Inside, despite how early it is, there are people training. They meet up with the Sensei of the place. He asks if they're interested in sparring. Dust says they kill a lot of people. The Sensei, a bit confused at that comment, claims they can feel free to join them, in fact there's a tournament arc going on soon to test out newcomers. Even spellcasters are allowed. There too, is a prize. Dust and Guy decide to join, and head back to ask the others.   As they're out, Ruyi seems to have awoken as well. She speaks to a man downstairs, and after finding they both speak elven she asks if they get a lot of Bards through there. He asks for a map, when Dust comes in. Ruyi asks for the map and he hands it over. The man gives her 3 addresses after realising the map he was given was one of Kinnorath, not one of Treff. Dust brings up to Ruyi that there's a fighting tournament, and that she can join if she wishes. Haarin comes downstairs as well, and after hearing Dust out he suggests Ruyi she does not join in as they might need their strength in case of a surprise attack. He himself will not join the fight, and shall look on from the sides instead with May. Haarin is very tired, seemingly had trouble falling asleep. May, who also is downstairs, giggles. Lucien sneezes in his sleep.   Ruyi asks Haarin if, in the case they meet up Bloodworthe soldiers, they shouldn't kill them. She wishes to convince them to follow her instead, as she is truly related to the Bloodworthe family tree, unlike Claudia. She explains to him and Dust about her plan to find Alice. She is looking for bards so she may share a ballad with them with a secret message, in the hopes that it may reach her sister Alice's ears. Dust raises suspicion, asking what the point of that is, and why she would be here in Kinnorath in the first place. Ruyi says she doesnt know her current location. She tells him a little about how Alice was a druid, and would bring random animals inside their home. Ruyi and her once had a fight and hadn't seen eachother ever since. Nonetheless, she must find her. She wished to make a ballad so she wouldn't bother any of her travelling companions. Dust asks why she doesn't just find a spellcaster to get sending. Ruyi says it'll be difficult, as the only powerful spellcaster she knows is Jim, and she feels he might dislike her, considering she failed to summon him (see session nr.6).   Dust goes upstairs to wake up Finn and Lucién, and ask if they wish to join the tournament. He didn't pay attention to when Lucién shared which rooms they got, so he picks a random door and miraculously gets it right. He knocks on the door until he hears Finn get up, and asks if he wishes to join a fighting tournament. Finn asks what that means. Dust says its sparring. Finn says he's never done it... Or maybe he did with the tribe the group told him he's from, but he couldn't remember. Dust explains he's only doing this because he wants to see how the people of Treff defend themselves. Finn says it might be a good way to show May how to fight as well, which seems to strike a nerve in Dust who quickly says that's not the point at all. Dust then goes to Lucién's room and wakes him up. He tells him about the tournament and Lucién asks who's in. Dust says not everyone has decided yet, but he, Guy and Finn will go, and that Ruyi said she might join too. Dust notes they have a separate division for spellcasters. Lucien says he'll join in only to see Guy kick some ass and defend the Velisk name. Dust leaves, and Lucién rolls over scratching his ass, then falls asleep again after seeing how early it was.   Ruyi has breakfast with Haarin and May. Haarin looks like a single father now. He asks Ruyi if she's sure about attending the tournament. Ruyi admits she doesn't have the energy at the moment. Haarin advises against it, seeing as if the town would be under attack at any moment, they both should be at full power. Ruyi reconsiders, and says she'll probably just watch along with him and May. She smiles at them, then returns to scribbling in her journal. May takes a piece of scroll off a table and writes down a question to Ruyi, asking her to teach her about magic. Ruyi would happily, and promises to show her how to become just as strong as she is.   The group heads to the Dojo (except Lucién, who is still asleep). Just before they go in, they hear a crack as if some large wooden thing was broken in twine. Dust opens the door, and they see a punching bag that was smashed through the wall. Guy is grinning, looking up as the group enters. "sorry, they told me to punch it as hard as I could". Ruyi, Haarin and May take their seat in the stands, and Ruyi shows May a few easy to learn magic tricks from her spellbook, demonstrating some of them. Finn, dust and Guy group up and meet up with the Sensei, who explains the rules. No fatal blows, no sharp weapons. Place wooden holders over the weapons you'd like to use. Theres an 8 man bracket, the winner gets a prize of their choosing. Dust realises at this point... That this is a tourist thing. The military don't join in, so his plan to see how Treff defends itself is non-existent. While in the training area, Finn notes he's a bit insecure about the upcoming fights, as he usually works far better with an ally rather than alone. Dust reassures him he'll be alright. Lucién finally enters the Dojo, having been awaken by a ray of sunlight shining directly in his eyes, and due to being late for entry, goes to sit next to Ruyi. He watches as she explains magic to May, and butts in with his sorcery powers, claiming all that studying wizards do in unnecessary and uncool. May is fascinated, but Ruyi is saddened by Lucién taking away the joy she was having. Lucién tries to fix his mistake, but it feels more like an obese cow trying to jump hurdle. Nevertheless, May eventually turns her attention to Ruyi again. Seeing this, Guy looks on at them from the training area, getting Ruyi's attention. "You've changed him." he says, shaking his head. Haarin meanwhile has fallen asleep, waiting for the fight to begin. As time goes on, more and more people enter the dojo and sit in the spectators stand, most notable are the Teacher and Helley, who is wearing a hood to obscure her face.   The Sensei announces the fighters and the ballot, which is as follows; Palos Yfrid versus Finn, Guy versus Krief Cuto, Dust versus Wabba and lastly Mukrask versus Oshnar, the Sensei himself. The Sensei leads the first fighters into the ring, and calls upon the Kurru Shenta (means battle anew). The Mukrask is now wielding a large staff rather than the battle axe the group had seen her wield before. Though Oshnar seems to be strong, he is unable to overpower Mukrask and loses. Next up are Finn and Palos, an armoured guard. Finn is cheered on by his allies, as through dodging and weaving the guard's attacks, he manages to tire the man out and make swift strikes to his weak points, downing him eventually. He helps him back up, and together they walk back to the waiting room. Next up is Guy, who is facing Krief, the Dojo's star student. As expected, Guy downs his opponent in only a handful of hits. Lucién cheers loudly from the side. Finally its Dust against Wubba. Dust eyes his opponent Wubba up and down, the man looks like a large sumo wrestler. Though he puts up a fair fight, managing to grapple Dust here and there, he is unfortunately no match for the monk as he downs him with only a few precise strikes.   The second round comes by, starting with Guy against the Mukrask. Mukrask twirls her quarter staff and manages to overpower guy for a moment, until Guy flings her down to the ground and punts her, managing to win the fight. Next up is Finn against Dust. Finn tells Dust he hopes he himself can put up a worthy fight, and Dust nods in acknowledgment. They enter the arena, their party members looking on in suspense. As the signal is heard, Dust immediately runs up face-to-face to Finn and makes an attack, Finn dodging it at the last moment. Dust follows it up with strike after strike, but all seem to miss the Lizardfolk, who while agile in his dodging, doesn't get the chance to counterattack. Eventually he catches one of Dust's hands, and for a split second time freezes. Finn tries to take the opportunity to strike down onto Dust's arm, but he swiftly manages to pull himself free, followed by a swing towards Finn's chest. He moves backwards dodging it, but Dust had read that move in advance, and strikes the Lizard in the back of his knee. His opponent now off balance, Dust moves closer, and makes precise strikes to the pressure points on Finn's body. The lizardfolk falls limb to the floor, and concedes. Dust is victorious. Once regaining control of his muscles, Finn gets up and they bow to one another, followed by a handshake. The crowd cheers, Lucién even whistling.   They head back to the training room and a break is called before the finale between Dust and Guy. While in the training room, Lucién approaches the two and gives them both a speech to prepare them for their upcoming spar. Finn rests up, then joins Ruyi, Haarin and May in the spectator stands. Lucién eventually returns as well, and after a few more minutes, the battle between Guy and Dust commences. Their battle begins, and they put up a great fight. Dust at one point, even manages to fight off Guy's first attacks with a flame shield. However, guy eventually overpowers Dust despite his best efforts. Dust falls unconscious, and Guy wins the tournament.   After a closing speech in Treffian about the heroes, Lucién approaches Guy and gives him a big hug, complimenting him on his battles. The sensei approaches them and gets Dust back up with some healing items. He says it was fun to see the heroes fight in his Dojo. Finn notices Dust is looking at the Teacher, who is making his way out of the Dojo. He asks Dust why he's staring at him, and the room grows a little tense. Lucien clears the air, and Guy goes to where the Sensei instructed him to claim his prize. The group suggests he asks for some form of transportation, as all the walking they've done these past few days have been beyond tiring. As the rest sit down for a bit, Dust claims they've wasted too much time. Ruyi interjects, saying everyone has learned something from one another by participating in the tournament. She also was granted some time to help May learn some spells.   Lucién catches up with Guy and goes with him. Ruyi excuses herself and seeks out Helley, who she saw earlier amongst the crowd. They have a little chat and Helley invites her over to her house. Ruyi asks her where she was born, and she explains it was in a Tavern, but doesn't really go into detail. Ruyi eventually asks about the charming effect she seems to have on others. Reluctant at first, Helley explains her dad was part of a group of adventurers. He was fascinated with demons and devils, and it seems he spent some time with a succubus, which resulted in her conception. Ruyi tells her about her own story, and why she herself is mixed with demon kind due to the history of her family and her parents. They go have tea, and Ruyi shows off her wizard book thats written in infernal.   After some time Ruyi says her goodbyes and returns to the party, who are waiting outside of the Dojo for Lucién and Guy to return. They eventually do, and Guy announces he now has a wagon pulled by a tamed Anrar. Ruyi is far from happy with this information, stating how she despises Anrars for the many times they have had to fought one on their journey so far (and their tendency to target the spellcasters) but the group tries to reassure her it'll be okay. As the group goes over to where the wagon should be, they hear a commotion further up. An armoured man on an Anrar is speaking in a slight panic to the local guards. A few villagers are mumbling. As the heroes go to investigate, it seems there is a situation. Dust and Lucién mix in with the crowd, Lucién casting tongues to once again understand the Treffian language. Tomorrow, a large band of Ho'ruushi will arrive at Treff. They are planning a massive attack.   Dust and Lucien return and share the news. The party agrees they will stall their trip to Zefari, and will stay behind tomorrow to assist in the defending of the town. Lucien kneels down and tells May to defend the other kids tomorrow at the school, while they take care of the invaders. May is afraid for their lives, but will do as she is told, giving Lucién a strong salute. Dust says they should converse with the Elder to decide battle tactics. He also adds they should send some people over the river. As they begin to walk towards the Elder's home, Dust hears his name called, and notices the hooded man from before. The man informs him the Ho'Ruushi will be sending two squads, another from the east. "I wont fail you again." Dust promises, as the man fades away. He catches up with the group, and they enter the Elder's home. He informs them the commanders of their army have already been informed, and that they should meet with them at the barracks.   The group does as they're told, and enter the main room where a bunch of armoured people are looking over a map. A few of them notice the heroes enter, and they make their acquaintances. There is Lyore'Xa'Muth the Cleric, a blond, calm looking man. Next to him stands Fuubras'Sa'Naa, a female white dragonborn and the captain of the Anrar cavalry, and to the walls stand the married couple consisting of Narral'Ka'Theel, an elvish man with long blonde hair and the captain of the ranger corps, and Veela'Bru'Zalla, the captain of the Treffian "military", a brutish looking elven lady. The heroes and the commanders debate here and there about possible ideas, including Dust adding how there will be two waves. When the commanders ask how he'd know that, he calls it intuition. The commanders don't fully like it, but they'll believe him and will prepare for a split of their defences, one at the main gate and one on the walls facing east. They throw around a few ideas like digging barricades and putting up wooden spikes. Eventually though the only possible one are pots filled with heated oil hung outside of the walls to pour onto to Ho'Ruushi that will attempt to break down the walls or doors. They decide who will stand where. Dust, Lucién, Guy, Fuu and Lyore shall stand and defend the main gate, while Ruyi, Finn, Haarin, Veel and Narral will defend the walls.   ...   Meanwhile, somewhere far away, A man stands with pretty good facial hair and a suit. A long scythe with dark green energy coming out from it in his hand. "You know, you've been quite a bitch to find Kelthar. Let's settle this".

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