Telarus Character in Sludge Cinematic Universe | World Anvil
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Then, as if it were routine, the killer drew out his dagger, still stained with the blood of the almighty, and gutted his own father. With barely more than a whisper in the breeze two gods had been killed, all at the hand of one youth.
- Telarus killing Atrox the Obscurum and The Father at the battle of Traskarr Basin, as witnessed by Yash'ailaran
  Telarus is the son of the Father, and for over a thousand years reigned over Ekellos as its god-king, a title he stole from Atrox after killing him at the battle of Traskarr Basin.   He leads a powerful force of soldiers and places a great focus on their magical abilities, seen most notably in his corps of Astromancers and Vitamancers. Up until very recently, he was locked in conflict between the nations of Ethurstia and Bohol, which had come under the joint leadership of King Nonastin, and the military command of General, a warforged.   After the events of the Battle of Thrast, Telarus was raptured along with many others and sent to the planet of Joran. Unlike others however, it appears as though Telarus as kept his memory intact, and is continuing his path of domination even on a new world.



Prime Astromancer

Towards Telarus



Former Master

Towards Inkinaro



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