Avin Katz

King Avin Katz

King Avin Katz was a good king. He did many things to improve the kingdom, but unfortunately his selfish love caused him to turn to dangerous spells involving gods of mal-intent. The consequences ruining his body and destroying his mind.

I don't know what my father was thinking, trying to host a god! He should have talked to me. He should have consulted the priests. He shouldn't have been so stupid! *sighs* I love my father. He was a good king. I don't know how I'm going to rule without him.

Now, I can't ask him questions. He left me to rule his kingdom alone. With no guidance or wisom. I just. . . I just wish he would have talked to me. Or maybe I should have talked to him. Maybe all this is my fault.
— Zebulon about his father

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Avin was a fairly good looking man. He was tall with short black hair and black eyes. He had a sharp jaw and an athletic body.   After trying to achieve godhood his body changed significantly. His arms and legs became longer, his face became haggard with his eyes becoming black holes, and his body became a sinewy mass of muscles.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Avin was an only child. Since he had no siblings to play with, he would interact with some of the village children for as long as his nanny would allow.

He was curious and asked his tutors about everything. He talked to the priests about the gods, and the village people about their lives. He asked the bakers how to make bread. He talked to the healers and asked if he could learn.

Everyone was amused by the young prince, and answered his questions as best as they could.
*laughs* Yeah, His Majesty was a good kid. We [the bakers] all loved him. If his nanny allowed, he helped us with making the cookies. He'd put on the frosting, and he wasn't half bad. We'd even let him take home the ones he made.
— head baker on young King Avin


Avin became king at the age of twenty and applied all his knowledge and wisdom to his rule. He helped the traders and merchants with better routes. He strengthened relationships with the kingdoms. He grew the army to make the people feel safer. He personally funded village schools and businesses.

Every year as king he grew in popularity. When the king was twenty-six he had his first son, Zebulon Katz, who seemed to be as smart and bright as his father. Maybe a little too smart. And a little too bright.

As Zebulon grew, it became increasingly obvious that Zebulon would be ready to rule very soon, but Avin was not ready to give up the throne. His son might be smart, but he lacked all forms of experience and knowledge that he had had when he claimed the throne. Zebulon hadn't connected with the people. Zebulon hadn't learned their ways. Unforunately, for Avin it seemed the people were ready for a new king.

When Prince Zebulon was born everyone was so excited to meet him! He was the cutest! With giant brown eyes and a cute little mop of hair. Just a bundle of adorableness. Honestly, the town couldn't get enough of him! Everyone dawdled on him. You couldn't help it!
— a maiden-in-waiting on the birth of Zebulon

Prince Zebulon Katz

Talk of the "new king Zebulon" was everywhere. His soldiers reported that Zebulon was "the talk of the town." He hoped this would pass, but as the years rolled by and as he got older, Zebulon became more and more prepared to rule. Avin started to get nervous.

When it came for his yearly address to the kingdom, it seemed the people wanted Zebulon to make the speech. Avin refused and addressed the people without even mentioning his son. Avin would not give up the throne. Not yet. Not now. He was still king. He was placed in charge by the gods themselves, and until they told him otherwise, he would still be king.

Retaining Power

The year Zebulon turned twenty the people advocated even harder to him to take the throne. After all, Avin was twenty when he became king. Avin grew even more desperate. Losing his throne seemed to be something that could happen very, very soon.

He couldn't let that happen. He refused to let that power slip away. Besides, the people had to answer to the gods. And the gods hadn't rejected him as king.

Desperate to maintain control, he went to his patron god Daksari and asked for wisdom. How was he supposed to keep his throne? Avin didn't hear an answer, until he came upon a spell in an old book.

Merging With a God was the spell. It seemed to be the answer to his prayers. He gathered the necessary items, then went to Daksari's temple. Once the temple was empty, he began.



A large storm started to gather around Daksari's Temple. The winds and rain made it impossible to enter. When it finally died away, Zebulon followed by the priests ran into the temple and found the king, his father, lying before the statue of Daksari.

His hair was long and tangled, his eyes were pure black. His arms and legs became long and gangly with his body becoming a sinewy mass. His face seemed too big for his body with too many wrinkles. His skin was dry and cracking. He opened his mouth, but no voice came out.

Avin's body began to twist in ways human bodies were not meant to. His arm bent too far back and an audible snap occurred. His legs twisted backwards, his spine popped, and his ribs made a crunching sound.

Avin fell back towards the ground, hitting his head against the floor, blood pooled below it.

A whooshing sound was heard, as Daksari left the king's body. Zebulon, suddenly fell to the ground, writhing in pain, as Daksari entered him.

Zebulon's stopped blinking then his eyes turned into an unhuman blue with his body becoming taller and stronger. His hair grew longer and his face looked older.

  Avin, barely alive, stared up at his son, inhabited by a god. The greatest honor and highest place of power a human could have. He laid on the ground, pain coursing through every inch of his body, but that pain was nothing compared to the pain of being rejected by the gods, being rejected by his god.

He took a few more painful breaths, before closing his eyes and waking up in the land of the dead.  
We all loved the king. He was great. He talked with us, and was always making sure the gods were pleased. I didn't think this is how he'd die. We all expected him to live a long, happy life. He didn't deserve to die like that. He was a good man.
— a priest reaction to Avin Katz's death

Morality & Philosophy

Avin believes that everything is the gods will. He became king and was king because that's what the gods willed. He refused to give the title to his son, because the gods had not told him to step down.

Personality Characteristics


Avin's motivation is the good of the people. He wants what's best for his kingdom.

  Avin loves knowledge. He believes that knowledge is power, and being king will grant you the highest form of knowledge possible as a human (unless one were to become inhabited by a god.) Avin does things for his kingdom, because he does love his kingdom, but would ultimately do anything to keep his position of knowledge and power.


King Avin's reign was a good one. He was overall a good king. He passed good laws, increased the economy and protected the kingdom from wars and maintained peace with others. Unfortunately, near the end he gave into his longing for knowledge and power.
Current Status
Ruling Jabok Borancion
Current Residence
Jabok Borancion's Castle
short black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light tan
Aligned Organization


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